Serious marketers nowadays are familiar with Email List. To make a long story short, you can tell an email list is list containing emails of people who are willing to receive your updates. So why do you have to build an email list? Aren’t SEO and traffic everything that you need to make money online or play around with affiliate marketing?

build an email list

1. Most people aren’t buyers

The thing is, in most cases, people are not in the buying mode. They just come to your site to look for a solution for their problems. These people are called information searchers (Information stage). After visiting a few pages on your blog, they will leave. The connection between you and your visitors lost, all your efforts to get them to visit your website are wasted.

Several studies have been conducted showing that only a few visitors return to your website after their first visit. If you do nothing and let them go, they’ll go forever. That’s why an opt-in form is necessary. This form will help you build relationship and trust with visitors, then gently convert them into buyers.


2. Increase your conversion rate

Sure, there’re various ways to get traffic and monetize from these traffics. But the thing that is important nowadays is probably not traffic. Its conversion rate. Think about it. If you have about 100 visitors per day and your conversion rate is about 1%, you’ll only get 1 sales. On the other hand, if you can get only 2 visitors to come to your site per day, all of them decide to make a purchase; you’ll get 2 sales right away, much more profitable. Moreover, higher conversion rate will save lots of your resources, from hosting to advertising fees.

Most people don’t buy the product the first time they saw it. You have to remind them again and again, so that it will carve in to customers’ minds. If you can capture their emails, you can follow up with them on a regular basis.

conversion rate

3. Convenient to send special promos

The best time to promote a product is to look for special discounts and promotional programs. During this special time, the creator will lower the normal prices of these products, making them more affordable. However, these programs don’t last too long.

If you have your own list, you can inform your subscribers immediately whenever you want. Moreover, having an email sent directly into your subscribers’ inbox creates a more personal way to connect with your readers and build substantial relationship.


4. Make repeat customers

According to Pareto rule, also known as 80/20 rule, 80% of your profits come from 20% customers, especially repeat customers. You must be aware that every visitor is a potential buyer, every potential buyer is a potential repeat customer. The only thing matter is how you can guide them through the process of an innocent visitor to repeat customer.

List-building will leverage every single visitor that you can get, entice them through decent emails every day, build long-lasting relationship and make them obsess with the product you are promoting.

Of course, there are other reasons for build an email list, but to me, these for reasons above are the most important ones. Because they connect directly with your income. If you have built a successful list, every email that you sent out will turn into cash and come back to you.

Pro Tips: After getting to know the important to build an email list, the next thing you need to find out is which email marketing software you need. I personally recommend Builderall mailingboss. You may refer to one of my detail mailingboss review here.

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