Visitors form an opinion about your website in just 50 milliseconds.

That rapid decision will determine whether they stay or leave—and if they like your company overall. With website marketing, there’s no time to dawdle.

When one building development solutions company recognized it was time for a website overhaul, they sought out the help of Fractional CMO Allison Hart to get them aligned with industry standards, accurately communicate the evolution of their organizational strategy, and more clearly communicate their unique value proposition.

Let’s walk through how the overhaul went down and what made it so successful.


Phase 1: Critical Needs Come First

The first part of the refresh was a problem-solving exercise designed to address critical elements that might keep a visitor from staying on or engaging with the website. This phase also placed strategic emphasis on eliminating outdated and incorrect information while adding messaging to highlight the client’s distinctive best-practice planning process.

One of the most crucial early steps was to create a more intuitive and user-friendly browsing experience for visitors navigating the website by better organizing information. The first sign of frustration can make visitors move on to the next site, even if the information there is valuable, so creating an effortless, seamless website experience is important.

Second, Allison helped the company update their messaging to more clearly reflect who they are, what they offer, and what their expertise is. Visitors spend just a little more than 5 seconds looking at the written content on a website, so the content must land—and quickly. Making sure the narrative is concise, accurate, and memorable can make all the difference.

Here’s a quick read on why choosing the right words matters.

Next, the company needed to make sure their key differentiator was clearly stated and left a lasting impact. Allison and the company worked together to shift the focus to their best-practice planning process to showcase their unique value proposition in the industry. The differentiator was strategically positioned as a central theme across the website, making it difficult to forget.

The fourth key strategy involved introducing and structuring the website to engage visitors for lead generation purposes, aligning with the company’s evolving business strategy. Generating more leads is the top priority for marketers, according to a recent HubSpot report. Website forms are key to bringing in more leads, making a website refresh that engages visitors that much more crucial to full-funnel marketing.

Related: Marketing Success: Mastering Strategies for Superior Lead Generation

Phase 2: Looking Ahead

Websites aren’t etched in stone; they should be treated as living, breathing brand assets. While the company is reaping the benefits of their refresh now, they plan to execute a second phase of the refresh over the next quarter.

This phase will build upon the achievements of Phase 1, introducing further enhancements and features to continually elevate their digital presence and market positioning. Allison is also guiding the company on incorporating key inbound marketing tactics such as SEO and blogging to keep the site content fresh and relevant.

Why a Good Web Experience Matters

Almost 90% of visitors are less likely to come back to your website if they had a negative experience the first time.

Things like clunky design, slow loading times, poor imagery, drab colors, and cumbersome navigation are just a few reasons that might catch visitors off guard and leave them feeling frustrated.

Good website design does more than just keep visitors on your page, though. Stanford finds that 75% of visitors decide how credible they find a company based on their design.

Hard as it may be to admit, visitors often do judge a book by its cover. An up-to-date, visually appealing, and easy-to-navigate website can help you get your message—and your products and solutions—out into the world.

Related: Make Your Website WORK for YOU – Performance Matters

Ready for a Refresh of Your Own?

Whether you’re in the middle of a website refresh or need help getting one off the ground, a fractional CMO can be a powerful asset to your team.

A fractional CMO works alongside you like a regular CMO—but at a fraction of the cost. Allison Hart has over 20 years of experience supporting companies with impactful strategies that deliver qualified sales pipeline and revenue.

Click here to book a call with Allison to get your website off on the right foot for 2024.

Allison is an accomplished senior B2B marketing executive with 20+ years of experience supporting companies with impactful strategies that deliver qualified sales pipeline and revenue.

Connect with Allison and find out how she can help your business scale to the next level.

  Connect with Allison on LinkedIn

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