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You’re Probably Not A Customer-Centric Company Yet, But New Research Shows How To Change That

Updated May 24, 2022, 03:44pm EDT
This article is more than 2 years old.

Draw a circle and in the middle of it, draw a picture of a person and write the words, “customer centricity.” This is usually what executives visualize when they talk about becoming a customer-centric company. Putting the customer at the center of your business is noble and well-intended. But actually, becoming customer-centered company takes more than a tagline. Believe it or not, it starts with understanding customers and making investments in technology, processes, operations, and people to transform how they meet their expectations now and as trends, tastes, and times evolve. All too often however, companies make investments in the name of their customer. But in actuality, it is stakeholders, shareholders, and/or boards often at the center of that circle.

Even if business model and digital transformation changes are meant to improve customer experiences, they are by design, built upon company-centric models and measures. They rarely are done to transform the company based on evolving customer behaviors, expectations, and preferences. As a result, companies wind up making customers conform to their standards of doing business, which isn’t by definition, customer-centric.

Let’s start with answering the following questions...

How do you define customer centricity?

Now, let’s ask your customers how they define it.

Then, compare your answer to theirs.

If you can’t complete this small but important exercise because you don’t have their input or you’re just guessing, you’re not ready to become customer-centric.

Empathetic Executives Drive Customer-Centric Transformation and Win the Hearts of Their Customers

According to research firm Gartner, customer centricity is the ability of people in an organization to understand customers' situations, perceptions, and expectations. This is a definition that rooted in true empathy, not assumptions, offering executives a unique ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

To become customer-centric is to also become empathetic toward customers. You have to be curious. You have to step outside your own office dynamics and ask questions. You have to observe and also live their journey in doing business with you and their favorite companies. This is the only way to champion meaningful change in their name.

When you ask customers what it takes for companies to become customer-centric, they might tell you that they want you to...know them, deliver personal value, understand or anticipate their unique needs and expectations, demonstrate empathy, offer integrated services and experiences, and not treat them as a number, metric, or statistic.

This seems reasonable given that this list is basically similar to the expectations of any relationship. Yet, many organizations operate with processes, mindsets, policies, and technologies that are legacy-centric, pushing humanity away from customer engagement. Remember though, no matter the industry, we are all in the relationship business.

Explore the Trends Shaping the Future of Customer Engagement

How have customers changed since 2020? How has living in a digital-first world changed their behaviors, expectations, and aspirations? What do they value in relationships?

Let’s find out.

According to new research from Salesforce, these human expectations for people-centered transformation are becoming more and more profound.

In its fifth edition of the “State of the Connected Customer” report, Salesforce learned that customers expect more than digital transformation or the promise of customer-centricity, they demand flexibility and a thoughtful, personal touch. They’re empowered by choice, access, and increasing control over their personal data. And, like in any relationship, trust and values have become their compass toward navigating business relationships.

Here are five important trends brands need to understand and reverse-engineer in their ambitions for becoming a customer centric company.

Trend 1: Trust is a Valued Commodity Amid Uncertainty

In these chaotic times, a trust-based economy is moving to the forefront with 88% of customers saying that they believe trust becomes more important in times of change.

Edelman’s Trust Barometer points to an opportunity for businesses to serve as a “stabilizing force” in this economy while institutions such as government and media are viewed with increasing reservation. This means that customers are more and more, seeking businesses to meet their needs.

Trust comes from treating customers, people, thoughtfully, not subjecting them to discombobulated service systems or one-to-many marketing messages.

Trust grows from integrity, humanity, honesty, and competence. This means that companies must speak differently with their customers.

They expect honesty in claims about products and services (77%). Customers want companies to act with their best interest in mind (75%). They want companies to make honest claims about social initiatives (71%) and act with society’s best interest in mind (68%). And they just want executives to tell the truth (68%).

For many customers, it’s not enough for companies to deliver a great product or service; ethical action drives customer purchase decisions.

A whopping 88% of customers expect companies to clearly state their values.

Eighty-five percent of customers say their purchase decisions are swayed by how companies treat employees.

Over three-quarters watch for environmental practices, like protecting natural resources and achieving net zero emissions. In fact, 66% of customers have stopped buying from a company whose values didn’t align with theirs — up from 62% in 2020.

To continue to earn trust, Edelman suggests that businesses follow these four core tenets:

  1. Business’ societal role is here to stay. People want more business leadership, not less.
  2. Demonstrate tangible progress. Restore belief in society’s ability to a better future. Show the system works.
  3. Focus on long-term thinking. Demonstrate solutions over divisiveness. Leadership cannot default to short-termism and short-term gain.
  4. Provide credible information. Trustworthy, consistent, and fact-based information is critical to breaking the cycle of distrust.

Trend 2: Accelerating a Digital-First World Sparks Demand for Personal Engagement

There’s a difference between personalization and being personalized. Please read that again. This was one of the big takeaways in a recent conversation with Seth Godin where we explored how executives can better connect to their customers.

Historically, “personalization” has implied a company-centric approach to having an omnichannel presence and delivering relevant offers at the right place, right time, and on the right device. But a customer-centric approach is more empathetic and personal.

We all want a more personal touch whether that’s online, in the real world, or in hybrid touchpoints. This means you not only need to know them, but also anticipate their needs as they evolve and deliver it in a way that feels unique to them. More personal engagement is becoming the standard moving forward. Any and all continued exposure to great personal engagement will raise expectations further, raising the bar for businesses in every industry.

Trend 2.5: Create a Culture of Customer Insights to Deliver Personal Experiences People Love

How well do you know your customers personal preferences or expectations?

This is where customer data, integration, and operations come together to create an operational culture of customer-centricity.

In 2021, I helped lead research with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, in which we found that customer experience was the number one business priority. Yet, the quandary between customer centricity and company centricity was clear as day.

When those companies driving customer experience transformation didn’t possess the ability to integrate customer data, convert data into actionable insights, operationalize those insights throughout the journey (not just in marketing, but in service, commerce, and loyalty as well), they couldn’t personalize customer engagement. Yet they thought they were. The study found that only 15% of companies had both a single (360-degree) view of customer data and the organizational structure to make use of those insights.

In Salesforce’s State of the Connected Customer research, 88% of customers said the experience a company provides is as important as its product or services, which is up from 80% in 2020. Let that sink in for a minute. Customers value the experience you deliver as much as your products or services.

We know customers now expect personal engagement and even for companies to know and anticipate their needs. But this begs the question, how does the customer define the word experience?

Customer experience is defined as the sum of all the engagements a customer has with your business in each and every touchpoint. More specifically, an experience is how someone feels in each moment and how they feel when they recollect those engagements.

How customers express their experiences becomes your brand, from the customer’s perspective.

This is why customer centricity must be more than a mantra or tagline. Salesforce found that 62% of customers feel an emotional connection to the brands they buy from most. Interactions that feel impersonal, such as receiving irrelevant offers, waiting on hold, being transferred and having to restart the conversation, attempting to communicate with frustrating IVRs or chatbots, cause real harm. These touchpoints damage or break up relationships.

Trend 3: Businesses Need to Reimagine Loyalty as Customer Centric

As customers become more connected, they become more empowered. These newfound superpowers unlock new options and possibilities and opens customers up to new influences. In just the past year, 71% of consumers switched brands. This means loyalty is up for grabs and customer retention becomes critical.

Certainly, customers shop for better deals and seek out availability and better product quality as primary drivers of brand defection. But as customers become more connected and conscious, they’re paying attention to aspects of customer experiences that were taken for granted by businesses in years past. For example, improved customer service, convenience, changing needs and values, either attract customers or lure them away.

As retention becomes critical, loyalty programs must evolve to stay attractive to customers. Salesforce learned that 56% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from a brand with a loyalty program. However, having a loyalty program doesn’t guarantee consumers will get value out of it. Customers cite difficulty of tracking rewards and the need to manually redeeming them as points of contention.

If companies automatically applied rewards or if rewards were personalized, better reflecting their individual needs, and easier to track, customers would use loyalty programs more often.

Younger generations, for example, are seeking more than just points or traditional rewards in loyalty program. Research shows that Generation-Y (Millennials) and Generation-Z (Centennials) are also more likely to join a fee-based loyalty program, such as Amazon Prime or DoorDash’s DashPass, to gain access to more exclusive or personal services.

Trend 4: Direct-to-Consumer Opens the Door to Data-Driven Customer-Centric Relationships

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands disrupted traditional retail and CPG models by bypassing traditional intermediaries. Now legacy brands are learning to follow suit. There are several opportunities to open the door to direct customer relationships without alienating traditional partners, however. The first is exclusivity.

Consumers are increasingly seeking additional value in exchange for more personalized relationships. For example, connected shoppers seek tailored engagements, including exclusive shopping experiences and early access to products. In exchange, this gives brands an opportunity to take control of the full customer experience while collecting data to further personalize engagement, from products to marketing to commerce to service.

Personalized engagement and data insights go hand-in-hand (see trend 2.5). And, customers are willing to share data if there’s a new mutually-beneficial social contract established that communicates value in return. Salesforce learned that 61% of consumers are comfortable with companies using relevant personal information in a transparent and beneficial manner, which is up from 52% in 2020.

You can’t have a conversation about data without the bringing up the creepy line. The interesting thing is that company-centric conversations assume the creepy line is closer to executive beliefs, when in fact, customers will always prove that the line is closer to their goals and aspirations. In fact, almost half of all shoppers are willing to share intimate details in exchange for personalized engagement including sizes and style preferences and 40% will also share lifestyle preferences.

With these stats in mind, think about how you collect and use data today. Think abut dialog boxes that appear on websites. Consider existing surveys and questionnaires. In most cases, these processes are designed not to be customer-centric. The truth is that everything can be reimagined as customer- and not company-centric.

Trend 5: Excellent Customer Service Drives Trust and Loyalty

Who among us loves bad customer service? And yet, we all tolerate it because, for the most part, we have to in many cases. But when you go back to the definition of customer experience, the sum of all engagements is often weakened by touchpoints that are not working toward customer centricity. Customer service is an Achilles heel in the customer journey.

In reality, expectations of seamless support largely go unmet with 53% of customers saying most support interactions are fragmented and 60% of customers say it generally feels like they’re communicating with separate departments, not one company. Because it’s true, right?

Compare that to 83% of customers who expect to solve complex problems by speaking to one person. Yet only 13% of customers say it takes little effort to get cases resolved.

Of all the touchpoints, customer service is among the most emotional, which if you recall, is the heart of a customer’s experience. And, with 62% of customers feeling an emotional connection to the brands, service can make or break a relationship.

This is the time to shift mindsets from seeing service as a cost center to recognizing service as marketing and ultimately as a profit center. The ROI for customer-centric service is there for those willing to reimagine the role of service.

Think relationships.

Ninety-six percent of customers say excellent customer service builds trust. Positive support experiences also make customers more likely to re-purchase. Over four-fifths of customers have recommended a company to others based on a great support experience.

Consider the opposite. What happens when people have a negative support experience?

Make Customer Centricity More Than a Tagline by Understanding Your Customer and Serving Them Their Way

The golden rule in life used to be, treat others how they want to be treated. In a digital-first world, one powered by data, AI, and integrated platforms, we can upgrade that rule. Now, we can treat people how they want to be treated. That is true customer centricity.

The timing and approach of customer centricity are important right now. Many companies will fall into the digital transformation trap of using data and innovative technologies to digitize and optimize legacy processes, touchpoints, and experiences, i.e. they’re making the new normal feel a lot like business as usual.

Becoming a customer-centric company starts with understanding people and using technology to scale relationships that share mutual value. It’s also about using digital platforms to get closer to customers, to become more human and relatable, to build trust, and to stand for something that offers a positive impact not only on relationships and markets, but also in society.

If you were waiting for a sign to become customer-centric, this is it.

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