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Helium 10 Review – Read Before Buying! (2024)

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Helium 10 Review – Read Before Buying! (2024)

Home / Ecommerce / Helium 10 Review – Read Before Buying! (2024)
helium 10 review - is it worth the money
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Hey, Amazon FBA’er!

We've used Helium 10 to research, scale, and sell another one of our Amazon FBA brands for $850,000+ in the last 12 months.

This is not the first time we've done so, but we probably couldn't have done it without Helium 10.

So in this Helium 10 review (and tutorial), we’re going to take a deep dive into how we use this tool to:

  • Find high-upside, low-competition product ideas
  • Identify low hanging fruit and scale faster than competitors
  • Optimize listings to rank on Page 1 AND STAY THERE (We have an awesome hack that works like a charm)
  • Handle refunds
  • Much more

Every serious seller we know – we’re talking $1M+ revenue – uses this suite of tools. If you want to get on that level, you need it. But just to be fair, it’s not for everyone.

We’re excited to share how this tool made every part of growing and selling our brand – from research to retirement (kidding… semi-retirement) – WAY EASIER.

If you're interested in selling on Amazon FBA but don't know where to start, check out our review of Amazing Selling Machine – the best Amazon FBA course on the market.

P.S. Helium 10 just released the Starter package – a “get-your-feet-wet” pricing plan that gives you access to all their core tools for 60%+ less than before. This solves one of the biggest barriers to entry for new entrepreneurs. Now you don’t have to spend $100+ just to get a solid Amazon tool. I’ve got a full breakdown for you in the pricing section. If you were on the fence before, I think this makes your decision a lot easier.

Not only that…

P.P.S. The folks at Helium 10 have been kind enough to offer DreamGrow readers a discount – you can choose between 20% off for six months or a lifetime discount of 10%. Use any link in this post to see the coupon codes.

This post is a behemoth, clocking in at over 5,000 words of analysis, how-to, tips, and more, but here's a quick summary for those who just want to get back to building an empire.

Quick Verdict – Is Helium 10 Really the Best Amazon Tool?

This has been the claim by most Amazon FBA gurus and you'll see it parroted in every seller community out there. Is there truth to this?

100% yes. 

Every Amazon tool available falls into one of the following two groups:

  1. Helium 10
  2. The rest

This is supposed to be an unbiased review, so let me explain it logically without the sales pitch.

Pretty much every other tool out there excels at one specific thing. For example, keyword research (Jungle Scout), product launches (Viral Launch), sales generation (AMZ Tracker), etc.

Helium 10 is the only tool that does it all at an average or above level.

It does everything the other tools do, plus a ton of unique features that none of the others do (at least not as well).

A single subscription covers your (**DEEP BREATH**):

  • Keyword research
  • Trend research
  • Listings optimization
  • Competitor analysis
  • SEO
  • Amazon PPC management
  • Inventory management
  • Product validation (worth the subscription alone in my opinion)
  • Fraud protection
  • Refunds
  • Landing pages
  • Sales analytics
  • Email automation
  • Listings hijacking protection

If there’s an Amazon business issue that Helium 10 DOESN’T solve, I don’t know about it.

And it all comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Don’t like it? Fine, cancel and get your money back.

That won’t happen though.

The only downside is that it might be TOO MUCH. If you’re just starting out, then Helium 10 might be overkill.

The good news is they have a Free plan and a Starter plan to get your feet wet in case you want to keep costs down and flatten the learning curve. Plus, our readers get big fat discount coupons.

Let me try to say all this another way…

Helium 10 is the only real end-to-end Amazon growth and management tool.

Theoretically, Helium 10 empowers you to find trending products, validate that idea so you don’t waste time and money, get supplies, build optimized listings, spy on the competition, reverse engineer what they’re doing and improve on it, and build targeted landing pages for your products.

Then it protects your inventory, manages your sales, analyzes your business, and probably even copies your entire genome and stores it on a hard drive in Bezos’ basement in case you need to clone yourself (that’s pure conjecture).

I know it sounds like I’m overselling it, but I’m really not. Helium 10 really does all of this. I’ll cover all of the most important features in detail below so you see for yourself.

Helium 10 Pros and Cons for Amazon Sellers


  • All-in-one platform (save money and 0 switching between ecosystems)
  • The best product validation, reverse ASIN, and listings optimization tools in the business
  • Free and Starter plan for new entrepreneurs
  • Proprietary tools not found elsewhere (Frankenstein, Cerebro, Magneto, Scribbles)
  • Built-in SEO and marketing tools
  • Easy landing page builder
  • Hands-on Amazon training
  • Responsive support


  • No supplier database
  • Expensive(ish) for full access
  • Steep learning curve

What is Helium 10 – And Why Does Every Serious Seller Use It?

what is helium 10

Helium 10 is the only all-in-one suite of Amazon FBA tools for SEO, product research, refunds, fraud protection, and inventory management.

Your one monthly subscription includes 13 tools encompassing:

  • Niche selection
  • Product trend research
  • Competitor spying
  • Keyword research
  • Listings optimization
  • Refund management
  • Inventory protection (We learned this the hard way – DISASTER)
  • Amazon index monitoring
  • Fraud prevention

If we had to sum it up, we’d say: Helium 10 is the ultimate FBA tool for selecting a product, scaling your operation, and managing your store from the ground up.

So why does every seller use it?

The reason serious FBA’ers use Helium 10 is because it does nearly all of the legwork and eliminates all of the guesswork from selecting and growing an Amazon business.

The dashboard gives you instant access to every piece of data you need to scale your business to six-figures and beyond.

why use helium10

Did You Know?: Helium comprises 25% of the known universe and is responsible for stars shining brightly? So think of your Amazon brand like a star: If you want to shine (And explode) you need Helium (10)….definitely not a stretch at all.

Helium 10 Eliminates the Hardest Challenges of Amazon FBA

There’s never been a better time to get into Amazon FBA. Amazon is literally taking over the world.

But there are still major challenges to private labelling in 2023. So first, we want to cover what they are and how Helium 10 gets rid of them.

Finding Winning Products on Amazon FBA

It’s getting harder and harder to find lucrative, low-competition products. In FBA circles, we call these “winners”.

Just look at a former winning product that’s now saturated: Gaming chairs.

saturated amazon fba markets

Competing with 1,000 other sellers is TOUGH. Do you really think that “deer rear with a bottle opener” or a work surface that attaches to your steering wheel so you can work while driving (this is a real product) were created by accident?

There are 2 million sellers on Amazon now. If you want to stand out, you need a unique angle, a new variation, or added value to a product that nobody else has.

The only way to do that is boots on the ground research. We’re talking painstakingly researching niches, demand, keywords, and competitors by hand.


Getting Helium 10’s keyword and niche tools to instantly analyze demand, spy on competitors, and identify low competition keyword opportunities to do it all for you. That saves you weeks of time and who knows how much work.

Launching a Product THE RIGHT WAY!

Amazon no longer allows incentivized reviews, meaning the #1 strategy to launch a new product is now useless.

You’ve got to get creative to launch a product and succeed, and new sellers ALWAYS screw this up (Us too).

If you don’t know exactly the right amount of products to give away, you might not rank or make any sales. Or worse, your whole inventory could get cleaned out and now you’re stuck with your pants down.

Helium 10 takes nearly all of the risk and guesswork out of launching a new product with Cerebro and Magnet (much more on these 2 below) by showing how many products to give away and which keywords to target to bring in the most customers.

helium 10 keyword tool


Getting to Page 1 on Amazon

ranking number one on amazon fba

Our biggest challenge in building our brand on Amazon was SEO. In the beginning, we were getting CRUSHED by bigger names on the first page.

Remember the gaming chairs from before? The product with 1,000 results? That’s nothing. Try laptop bags.

hard amazon niches

Or god forbid women’s shoes.

the hardest amazon niches

If you want to have ANY CHANCE of succeeding, your SEO game needs to be on point and air tight. The right keywords, the perfect title, the correct placement_it all has to be there.

Helium 10’s SEO tools are star-destroying. It instantly shows you the best keywords, everything semantically related to your seed keyword, thousands of lucrative and actionable keywords, and exactly how to write your titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

Yeah, you can’t beat that. The SEO tools are worth the price alone.

Speaking of price…

Helium 10 Pricing (Major Update!)

helium 10 pricing update

Helium 10 now has 6 pricing plans, with each price varying depending on if you pay monthly or annually:

  • Free
  • A la carte (only pay for what you use): $17 – $97/mo
  • Starter: $37/mo
  • Platinum: $97
  • Diamond: $197
  • Elite: $397

helium 10 updated pricing comparison

Again, worth mentioning that our readers get a big fat discount coupon, making this an even better deal – click here for access to the coupons.

BIG UPDATE: Starter Plan (Get Your Feet Wet With the REAL Helium 10)

I was stoked to hear Helium 10 filled the gap between their Free and Platinum plans with an affordable way to test the REAL Helium 10.

Before, you had to dive head first into the deep end and drop $100 a month. That, or settle for a free version of Helium 10 that was fairly limited.

The new Starter plan is ideal for:

  • New entrepreneurs getting their first ever Amazon tool
  • Customers of more affordable tools like Jungle Scout that want to test if Helium 10 is worth the extra money
  • Amazon sellers on a budget

Access is still limited, and you definitely can’t build an uber dominant Amazon machine on Starter, but it’s enough to – here’s a surprise – get you started…

$37 a month gets you:

  • Blackbox (20 uses)
  • Trendster
  • Xray Chrome Extension
  • Cerebro (2 uses)
  • Magnet (2 uses)
  • Frankenstein (30 days)
  • Scribbles (30 days)

Why Is Starter a Big Upgrade Over the Free Plan?

From what I can see, Starter offers 3 big advantages over Free that add value for new customers:

  • Freedom Ticket Training: Hands-on training for selling on Amazon from real experts that have been there and done that. Just starting your first store? Now you get the world’s most powerful Amazon selling tool AND hands-on training. Not bad.
  • Profits (Financial Analytics): Unfettered access to profits analysis including sales, margins, and business trends.
  • Xray Unlimited: Infinite access to the best Chrome Extension in the biz. Plain and simple.

Personally, I’m a fan of going big or going broke, so I recommend Diamond, Platinum, or Elite. But if you’re on a budget, there’s nothing wrong with starting small and learning as you go.

We have experience with 3 of these plans (we upgraded as we scaled), so we’ll give our thoughts on them first. We won’t cover a la carte.

  • Free: This is how you get your feet wet. It comes with minimal usage of MOST of the tools. For example, you get 2 uses of Magnet per day and can track up to 20 keywords. You also get 20 uses of Blackbox. The new Starter plan makes this a waste of time though.
  • Platinum: Perfect for entry-level users with minimal selling needs. This is where most new FBA’ers get started. You get unlimited use of Blackbox, Magnet, and Trendster plus 5,000 emails a month and alerts on 300 ASINS.
  • Diamond: It’s starting to get real. You’ll need some serious helium if you want to scale to the stars. The platinum plan just didn’t have enough gas to make us go supernova. Diamond lets you track up to 5,000 keywords, check up to 300 indexes, alert up to 600 ASINS, and automate 15,000 emails every month.

We recommend starting small and building your way up if you’re new to Amazon. If you’re already generating good revenue, then Diamond is perfect for helping you scale.

So why get the Elite plan if Diamond is perfect?

Helium’s Elite plan is the steroid version of the Diamond plan. It’s got everything Diamond has, just juiced to no end (1,000 ASINS and 50,000 emails!). But it also comes with 3 amazing benefits you don’t get anywhere else online:

  • Monthly training
  • In person workshops
  • Facebook group access

This is for rockstar FBA sellers. It’s 100% worth it IF you’re already crushing it. If you’re scaling on a budget, hold off for a while.

How to Use Helium 10 (And What It’s Capable of)

If you’ve read any of our stuff before, you know how much we love the word BEAST. Well, Helium 10 is a BEAST in every sense of the word. Strong, fast, powerful, covered in hair with sharp teeth – it’s got everything.

Actually, if we had to say anything bad about it, it would be the learning curve. It’s not steep by any means, there’s just a lot to take in. You can still fully grasp the tool and start growing your FBA biz in a few days even with no prior experience.

Back to the tools and how to use them….

We could write a 50,000 word guide on how to use Helium 10 (Then upsell on consultations… that’s not a bad idea).

But we’ll stick to the most powerful tools only since that’s where the money’s at.

  • Cerebro
  • Blackbox
  • Magnet
  • Scribbles
  • Frankenstein

Helium Cerebro – Find New Winning Product Opportunities

Cerebro is the one Helium 10 tool we can’t live without. If Helium 10 is a BEAST, Cerebro is the brain that drives it.

helium10 cerebro tool

What is Cerebro?

Cerebro is a reverse ASIN lookup tool that tells you everything you need to know about a product’s viability on Amazon. Paste in a product URL and it instantly spits back thousands of keyword suggestions, including all of the keywords it ranks for.

This lets you see everything your competitors rank for and gauge the competition. The reason this is amazing is because it takes out ALL OF THE GUESSWORK. Instead of throwing darts against the wall and hoping your hours of time and thousands of dollars don’t go to waste, you get INSTANT ACCESS to something that’s already working.

We’ll use our gaming chair example again to demonstrate the power of Cerebro.

how to use cerebro keyword tool

Grab the ASIN from the URL and paste it into Cerebro to start the evil black magic.

HACK: Experience has taught us to ALWAYS choose a product with a large number of reviews, even if it’s not at the top of the rankings. This is a sign it’s been on Amazon longer, and that means it’ll rank for WAY MORE keywords than a newer product.

Now look at everything Cerebro gives you:

product data from cerebro

And all this…

additional data from cerebro

How to Evaluate Cerebro’s Results

OK, now that you’ve got thousands of keywords and a bunch of fancy terms like IQ Score and CPR 8-Day Giveaways, you probably have one question….


Let’s break it down slowly. Here’s what Cerebro gave us when we put in our gaming chair:

gaming chair keyword data amazon1

Now we’ll cover the most important factors in detail so you can make sense of the madness.

Cerebro IQ Score

cerebro iq score

Cerebro IQ Score is a score based on Helium 10’s algorithm that indicates how good of an opportunity a certain product is. The higher the number the better. The score is based on a ratio of search volume to competing products.

A high score means a large volume of searches with low competition (A great product opportunity). A lower score means fewer searches and high competition (Stay away).

NOTE: Branded terms are worthless to you since you can’t just sell your own “Devoko” model chair. What we’re trying to say is that you still need to manually sift through the data. Life is tough.

For example here, racing PC chair would be a bad product to chase. Low searches and lots of competing products.

CPR 8-Day Giveaways

This feature is AMAZING. CPR 8-Day Giveaways is an estimation of the total units you would need to give away over an 8-day period to rank on page 1 for this search term.

In other words, it’s how many units you’d need to sell for a deep discount at launch to get this baby to the top of results. For our gaming chair, it would be about 1 per day (8 total over 8 days = 1/day).

How can I use this feature to my benefit?

What we do is we take the amount we need to give away (8 here) and calculate the cost of that.

How much is this going to cost you? 

Assume you’re going to make $0 in profit here. When we launched our first product, we had 0 clue how many units we had to give away. Thousands of dollars later we were still on page 3.

Don’t make this same mistake. Here’s a complete breakdown of what you need to know about the giveaways feature.

Remember, getting to Page 1 is the hardest part. But once you’re there, it’s basically automatic sales and reviews.

Competing Products

finding competing products on amazon

Common sense dictates that thousands of competitors are not a good thing. But just because there’s a huge number of competing products doesn’t mean you don’t have a winning product. That’s why this factor is 3rd on our list.

Obviously, the fewer the better, but we see a lot of entrepreneurs make the mistake of being scared of a huge competing products number without taking into account other information.

Don’t fall into this trap. If the IQ Score/Giveaways combined with your gut feeling are good, then it could be a winner.

Refine Your Search

It’s important to resist the temptation to run with the first product you find and get lost down a rabbit hole. Chances are you’ll miss some good opportunities. Cerebro is full of them.

For example, if you notice a keyword with decent volume that’s in a different niche, search for that and comb through the results. You never know what you’re going to find.

Tip: Use Cerebro to Expand Your Keyword List

You can build a massive KW list in Helium 10 to get the ball rolling. We mean massive. Use Cerebro to reverse engineer AT LEAST 3-5 competing ASINs and create a huge keyword list.

If you’re missing even a single relevant keyword from your listings, you could lose front page real estate to properly optimized competitors.

Check this example out. Remember our gaming chair?

saturated amazon fba markets

1,000 results. Not too bad…

But look what happens when we modify the search by adding an extra related KW: “Footrest”

adding keyword modifiers to amazon

621 results now.

But wait, what if we go even deeper and add in memory foam!

finding long tail keywords on amazon fba

118! It’s going to be so much easier to rank your chair if you include ALL of these relevant keywords. If you miss them, you’ll be competing against 1,000 sellers. Add in just these two words, and you knock out 90% of the competition for this term.

TL;DR: Use Cerebro to build a massive list of keywords by running 5 competing ASINs through the tool. Once you’ve built that list, it’s time to sift through them.

But first, let’s talk about Magnet.

Magnet – Expand Your Keyword List Even Further

keyword magnet by helium10

Magnet is a keyword research tool for Amazon sellers with the largest database of ACTIONABLE Amazon keywords on the market. You enter a “seed” keyword, and Magnet suggest related terms, helping you uncover even more organic easy traffic opportunities – most unknown to your competition.

The tool then instantly returns:

  • All related keywords
  • High-volume keywords
  • Actionable keywords (think: Buy now)
  • Competing products
  • Top products
  • Word frequency

And unlike most tools, all of this data comes directly from Amazon. That means no useless search traffic mucking up the works.

So not only is it more powerful than most competitors, it’s built solely for Amazon. That means you get better keywords and more of them, much faster.

You even get search filters to cut out the fat and leave only the meaty, juicy keywords behind to add to your listings.

Sounds like a recipe for higher organic traffic and sales.

magnet to find niche opportunities

Using Magnet With Cerebro

Remember that big keyword list we had before?

It’s time to use Magnet to add to it.

Once you’ve selected all relevant words from the list, click Get Keywords, and watch the magic unfold.

using magnet with cerebro

Notice all of the new keyword ideas we have now?

This opens up a whole new world of keywords and products like lumbar support, cushion, homefun, adjustable desks (found an unknown related term!), desk accessories for girls (product idea?).

Behold the power.

10,000+ keywords is a lot though, and not all are relevant to us. Let’s do some digging.

How to Review FBA Keywords (Our Quick Process)

When we first started our FBA business, we did the typical “basic SEO” keyword research/refinement. Basically, we just highlighted every related key term and went on gut feeling from there.

Public Service Announcement: DON’T DO THAT.

The system we have now is SO MUCH better, and we’ve seen massive improvements in rankings, traffic, and sales.

Remember, this process might be the most important aspect of growing your business. And that’s not hyperbole.

Here’s what to do.

Export Your Keywords to a Spreadsheet

Pretty self explanatory here. Just click the export function and move along.

how to export keywords on helium10

Insert a Column and Mark Relevant Keywords

We usually place an “X” next to relevant keywords and leave the others blank. This helps establish a baseline of keywords to work from.

sorting keywords by relevance

OK, now that we have which keywords are relevant and which aren’t, it’s time to order them by relevance. This took our game to the next level.

Sort Your Keywords by Relevancy

Now that every relevant keyword has an “x” next to it, sort your spreadsheet according to the “X” column. Now, all of your keywords with X’s should be in a row. Delete the rest.

amazon keyword research guide

Now, let’s go next level.

Place a 1 next to every VERY RELEVANT keyword and a 2 next to LOOSELY RELEVANT keywords.

Like this:

amazon keyword research part 2

Here’s why – very relevant keywords should go in your titles when possible, and supporting keywords should be placed in the bullets and description.

Now that you’ve created this monster full of different keywords, it’s time to clean it up.

Introducing: Frankenstein.

Frankenstein – Create Cash-Generating Keyword Lists

Just like Mary Shelly’s doctor, Helium 10’s Frankenstein puts a bunch of useless, unrelated parts together and creates a thriving machine hellbent on world domination.

Amazon’s search algorithm puts a heavy emphasis on keywords. That means page 1 ranking is a game of words. The more relevant terms you have, the higher the chance you’ll snag #1.

Frankenstein makes that easier by taking your keywords and eliminating all of the useless modifiers like “for” or “with”, leaving behind only the meat of the keywords.

Just copy and paste your KW list into Frankenstein, select parameters, and click a button.

keyword tool frankenstein


frankenstein output

The new list now contains all of the words you have to mention in your listings to become completely SEO optimized.

DISCLAIMER: Before SEO nerds start attacking us, this list is for DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES. Obviously there will be more than 77 words in a real product listings. Do you really think we’d show you our real KW lists? Go home.

Helium 10 Blackbox – Research Every Niche in the Universe

Black Box is Helium 10’s niche research tool. It lets sellers drill down to the granular details to find lucrative product opportunities based on strict criteria like competition, monthly sales, and search volume.

helium 10 black box review

Say you want to find products with high search volume, decent pricing, and a lot of reviews.

Let’s see what we get.

helium 10 black box results

BOOM! Black Box has just done most of the work for you. You now have a list of lucrative products based on granular details. Instead of brainstorming niches then manually searching by volume, price, and reviews, you just click a few buttons and Black Box gives you hundreds of product ideas.

Helium 10 Scribbles

Want a perfectly optimized Amazon listing without having to manually track which keywords you’ve used and where?

Scribbles is Helium 10’s Amazon listing optimizer that helps sellers ensure their listings are 100% optimized correctly.

scribbles review helium 10

It does this by tracking which words you’ve used and where, and removing words from your list as you use them.

amazon keyword optimization

NOTE: How 2001 is this listing?

Once you’re done, you just go to your Amazon dashboard and copy/paste.

What Else is Included in Helium 10?

Helium 10 still has plenty of other tools. The most important are:

  • Keyword Rank Tracker: Does exactly what it says it does: Tracks your keywords so you see where you stand today as well as historically. Monitoring progress is the best way to stay motivated and keep your eyes on the prize.
  • Refund Genie: Sometimes Amazon screws up and you’re entitled to a refund. It could be a damaged product or incorrect delivery. This is extremely hard to keep track of as you scale. Refund Genie taps into your account and notifies you whenever there’s a good chance at a refund. This put a few hundred dollars back in our pockets in a single year. It almost paid for Helium 10 itself. Even though this is a nice add-on, we actually prefer AMZ Refund for this.
  • Inventory Protector: The Cerebro Product Rank giveaway method is the best way to rank on page 1. But there’s one disaster scenario that could tank your entire FBA biz: Inventory gouging. Say you’re running a promo a 90% off. What’s to stop someone from buying 100 units and cleaning you out instantly? Inventory Protector! This lets you set a product limit so your inventory stays safe.
  • Hijacker Alert: When scammers try to jump on your listing and sell knockoffs, the brave men and women of Hijacker Alert let you know so you can contact Amazon and prevent any issues. The last thing you need is someone to buy a bogus product from a hijacker and leave you a bad review.

Pro Hack! The Helium 10 Misspellenator

So far in this article, we’ve typed Amzon instead of Amazon twice, relavent instead of relevant once, and Magneto instead of Magnet AT LEAST 10 times (We love X-men).

Guess what? That’s actually a good thing for Amzon Amazon!

Tons of people make typos when searching for common products – EX: offce desk instead of office desk – and Amazon doesn’t correct them all.

The Misspellenator shows you which words Amazon DOES NOT auto-correct. We can’t recommend that you misspell words in your listings, but let’s just say that you might want to work a typo into your listings, that way you show up for “Hershies” when someone doesn’t know how to spell the famous chocolate maker.

What is the Helium 10 Freedom Ticket?

helium10 freedom ticket

“95% of new Amazon sellers fail. That’s because they don’t read our blog and use Helium 10.”

Just kidding…kind of…

The Helium 10 Freedom Ticket is an over-the-shoulder walk through that guides you step-by-step through building a successful Amazon FBA biz.

It walks you through:

  • Branding
  • Picking a successful product
  • How to find suppliers and shippers
  • How to compete with bigger sellers
  • How to rank on page 1
  • How to create listings and make sales
  • How to advertise to scale to the stars

This 8-week training module holds a ton of value for new Amazon sellers. It’s basically a “zero to success” blueprint, and it’s now INCLUDED IN MEMBERSHIP.

That’s insane value. So now not only do you get the ultimate Amazon growth tool, you get a step-by-step blueprint for how to use it. We’ve never taken it personally, but we’ve heard great things. And based off of Helium 10’s reputation and current trainings, it has to be great value.

Helium 10 Chrome Extension – What Does it Do?

helium10 chrome extension

Helium 10’s Chrome extension is a suite of 5 powerful time-saving tools. These tools help you fine-tune your research by validating product ideas, finding lucrative sourcing opportunities, planning for seasonality, estimating profits, and revolutionizing competitor research.

It’s a super convenient tool to have. Just click a button in your browser and you’ve got instant access to;

  • Xray: Instant access to market data to find lucrative product opportunities.
  • ASIN Grabber: Copy ASINs in bulk to create targeted ads.
  • Profitability Calculator: Instantly calculate your profit margin based on weight, FBA fees, dimension, and freight cost.
  • Inventory Levels: Instantly view inventory for any product on Amazon.
  • Review Downloader: Gain insight into what customers are saying about products to fine tune your listings and make better decisions. Give the people what they want!

Helium 10 Amazon Listing Analyzer – Audit Listing Quality Instantly

Helium 10 listing analyzer reviews

Imagine having an expert on staff who’d seen millions of listings and could quickly audit any of yours. Then, they could deliver accurate grades and actionable insight.

Like this:

“Hey, Todd, mind checking out this new listing?”

Sure, no problem, Gus. Images are good. The copy checks out. Oh, and it ranks for 2,632 keywords – 90 in the top 10!”

“Thanks, Todd. It’s nice having you on board”.

Guys like Todd would cost six figures. Lucky for you, Helium 10’s new Listing Analyzer does Todd’s job as part of your membership fee (sorry, “Todd”).

Think of it like a quick audit that evaluates if you’re following best practices, checks your top competitors, and analyzes your top-of-the-page visibility.

amazon listing optimization audit

I wouldn’t put TOO MUCH stock in the quality score. It’s a 10,000-foot view that just checks if you’re following basic best practices and not breaking Amazon listing commandments (NO emojis in the titles, please!).

Personally, I love the convenience. Without going into Cerebro, you can quickly check which keywords you’re ranking for, including top 10 keywords.

Hey, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s part of your subscription fee.

Helium 10 Mobile App – Manage Your Business From Anywhere

Helium 10 mobile app launch

Now, you’ll never be able to get away from your business.


Helium 10’s new mobile app means you can take your business anywhere.

I can tell they’ve put a ton of work into this. The display is mint, and everything feels super intuitive (IF you’re already a Helium 10 user).

It’s great if you’re OCD and want to constantly check profits, sales, PPC, and inventory.

Also, Fraud notifications are a godsend. If anything fishy happens, Helium 10 lets you know instantly so you can jump on it before it becomes a bigger issue.

For me, it’s awesome to be able to instantly see sales at the end of every day, week, or month at the swipe of a finger. And to pump my fist every time I make a sale (SCORE!).

Long story short, it’s cool to see all these metrics updated in real time and to keep your finger on the pulse of your business. And I expect Helium 10 to add more functionality as time goes on.

Helium 10 Seller Assistant – Instantly Request Reviews in Bulk

helium 10 seller assistant reviews



This is the best thing Helium 10 has added in the past year.

This Chrome Extension instantly requests reviews from all sales from a page for up to the past 30 days.

Just download the extension, give it permission, and go to the Orders tab in your Seller Central dash.

You’ll see a little blue button that says “requests reviews on this page”, and BOOM, the extension handles everything.

This tool essentially helps you boost rankings AND make more sales at the click of a button.

Without it, you’d have to manually request reviews for every sale. You’d have to go to the Orders tab, find each shipped order, and click the request button manually. If you sold 100 products, you’d have to do that 100 times.


Inventory Management – Get Your Stock Just Right

amazon inventory management tool by helium 10

Recently, Helium 10 rolled out a new feature for managing, processing, and forecasting inventory.

It definitely makes handling stock a lot easier than it was before.

Just think of it as your inventory command center.

You can:

  • Change reorder frequency
  • Manage purchase orders
  • Get restock recommendations
  • See supplies at a glance

The important thing to remember here is it’s not just what you order but when you order it.

By keeping everything in one place and dramatically simplifying the logistics process, this tool helps you avoid stock outs, lost rankings, and increased storage fees.

Just another reason why Helium 10 is worth the price – they keep on rolling out new and helpful features.

Important Announcement: Helium 10 Has Officially Partnered With Alibaba

helium 10 now works with alibaba

Helium 10 has officially partnered with Alibaba by including an Alibaba results search function within Xray. Now, you’ve got instant access to the world’s leading supplier database right in your browser.

No more switching between tabs or playing guessing games with profits and margins.

Pretend you want to source a new product. Let’s say an avocado shaped guacamole bowl.

Power up Xray on the Amazon results page and you’d see a new button in the top right “source on Alibaba”.

That would immediately conjure up Alibaba’s results page right in your browser including all your favorite stats like Price, Vendor Rating, Country, and Age of the Account.

Like what you see? Click right through to the vendor page and contact them.

NOTE: This definitely makes life easier, but it’s nothing close to a real vetted supplier database. You still need to do all the legwork and assume some risk. Not sure why Helium 10 doesn’t have this yet.

Helium 10 Vs. Jungle Scout: What’s Better? – A Quick Comparison

jungle scout vs helium10 comparison

We get a lot of people asking about Jungle Scout vs Helium 10.

Which one is better? Is it worth the money? Should I just stick to Helium 10’s FREE plan?

It’s pretty simple to answer actually. Ask yourself this question:

Do you just need a simple product research tool and database or do you want an all-encompassing tool that helps research, build, scale, and manage an Amazon empire?

We’ve used both tools, and since switching to Helium 10, we’ve never looked back. It’s the only tool that matters for serious sellers.

However, Jungle Scout might actually be better for certain sellers.

Here’s what you need to know:

Jungle Scout Features

Jungle Scout is a dinosaur in the Amazon FBA tools industry, dating all the way back to prehistory (2014).

It’s a simple, intuitive tool that comes with some powerful features:

  • Product Database: Find your needle in the haystack faster than competitors with an instant view of the most profitable product opportunities.
  • Product Tracker: Keep your finger on the pulse of any product. Jungle Scout makes it easy to create a viable selling strategy with daily sales, inventory status, and revenue for every product being sold.
  • Supplier Database: This is Jungle Scout’s most valuable resource in our opinion. Instantly find reliable sellers based on your search criteria. Anyone who’s had supplier issues knows how valuable this is.
  • Inventory Manager: Real-time view of your inventory status to avoid costly stock outs and fees.

Jungle Scout Web App vs. Chrome Extension

jungle scout web app vs chrome extension

Jungle Scout comes in two forms: A web app and a Chrome extension.

Both help you find profitable products and manage your Amazon business. They just function in two different ways.

The web app is accessed through your browser just like you would any other site.

jungle scout web app

This is where you access all your tools like product database and keyword finder. It’s far more powerful than the extension. No need to get into all of the features again.

The Chrome Extension on the other hand is used on an Amazon search results page.

jungle scout chrome extension

You search for a product, then run the extension. You then get super valuable data about the product including monthly sales and average price.

They should both be used together for maximum benefit. For example, you should use Jungle Scout to research product ideas then use the Chrome extension to gather data on that product. From there, you go back to JS and use the other tools to sell and manage your business. It’s a symbiotic relationship!

Jungle Scout vs. Helium 10 Verdict

Helium 10 is by far the more comprehensive and valuable tool. It does everything Jungle Scout does, just better. If you want to build a large and thriving FBA biz, Helium 10 is non-negotiable.

However, Jungle Scout is a simple and intuitive tool with excellent product research capabilities. So if you only need basic product research and are on a budget, JS is fine for now. If you’re serious about Amazon though, we recommend sticking to Helium 10.

Click here to get special Dreamgrow pricing for all your Helium needs 🙂

There's a reason we've listed it as both the best Amazon FBA tool overall as well as the winner of the JS vs H10 comparison we've posted in the past.


Q: What is Helium 10 used for?

A: Helium 10 is a suite of insanely powerful SEO, product research, and business management tools for Amazon sellers. It lets you find and validate product ideas, find actionable keywords, optimize listings, and manage every facet of your business from one dashboard.

Q: What is reverse ASIN?

A: Reverse Amazon ASIN lookup is a clever way of taking competitor’s ASINs and reverse engineering them to view valuable data about their sales and inventory.

Q: How do I find my Amazon ASIN?

A: The easiest way to find your Amazon ASIN is to look in the Amazon URL when on your product page.

Q: How much does Helium 10 cost?

A: Anywhere from FREE to $397/mo billed monthly.

Q: How much does Jungle Scout cost?

A: Jungle Scout costs anywhere from $49/mo to $419/mo depending on which plan/features you purchase.

Recomended Readings