How to Select SEO Keywords (3 Simple Steps)

Want to know how to select SEO keywords? Selecting SEO keywords is about understanding your audience and their search behavior. Use keyword research tools to discover terms with high search volume but manageable competition. Focus on keywords that closely match your content’s theme and audience intent. Incorporate a mix of broad and long-tail keywords to capture a wider range of searches. Regularly review and adjust based on performance data to stay relevant.

Finding the right SEO keywords for your website can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, with the vast array of options and the pressure to rank well in search engine results.

This struggle is compounded by the need to understand your audience deeply, predict their terms, and align them with your content. This is often too much for busy business owners to tackle while running their businesses, so many opt to work with a digital marketing agency offering professional SEO services.

However, by systematically researching and refining your keyword strategy, you can pinpoint the terms to drive targeted traffic to your site, turning the challenge into a strategic advantage.

This article shares a step-by-step process that will help you understand how to select SEO keywords for your website.

How to Select SEO Keywords (3 Simple Steps)

What Are SEO Keywords?

SEO keywords are specific words or phrases that describe the content on your website, which potential customers use in their search queries. They are critical in optimizing your site to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), making your website more visible to those searching for your products or services.

Related: How Long Does It Take to Rank on Google?

Are Keywords Still Important?

Yes, keywords are still important. Keywords are the linchpin of SEO because they tell search engines what your website is about.

When your site’s content matches what people are searching for (keywords and the intent behind the keyword usage), search engines are more likely to display your site as a top result. This visibility increases your chances of attracting more visitors and converting them into customers.

Keywords also provide insights into market trends and customer behavior, allowing you to effectively tailor your offerings and marketing strategies. In essence, selecting the right keywords is not just about improving search engine rankings; it’s about connecting with your target audience and growing your business.

Keywords remain key for visibility and engagement, essential in a competitive online landscape.

Increase search visibility and attract more customers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting SEO Keywords

Identifying the right SEO keywords can be overwhelming, leaving many businesses needing help to rank on search engines and attract the right audience.

This guide simplifies the process step-by-step, enabling you to efficiently find, refine, and prioritize keywords. By applying these strategies, you’ll overcome the challenge of visibility, connecting with your target customers, and boosting your online presence.

1. Generating Ideas

Generating ideas for SEO keywords starts with a deep understanding of your business, products, services, and target audience.

Tools like Google Keyword Planner offer insights into search trends while analyzing competitors can highlight gaps in the market. Incorporating long-tail, more specific, and less competitive keywords can also attract a more targeted audience, improving your site’s visibility and relevance.

Understand Your Business

Before tackling keyword selection, it’s essential to understand your business, what sets it apart, and who you are trying to reach.

This involves more than just a superficial overview of your products or services; it requires digging deep into their benefits and the problems they solve for your customers. Consider the language and terms your ideal customers might use when searching for solutions online.

This foundational step ensures that the keywords you eventually choose are relevant to your offerings and resonate with your target audience, making your content more discoverable to those most likely to engage with it.

Brainstorm With Tools

Leveraging keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or premium tools that offer more advanced insights, like Ahrefs or Semrush, can significantly streamline generating keyword ideas.

These tools offer insights beyond mere suggestions, including search volume, competition levels, and even related queries you might have yet to consider. You can discover a wide range of keywords and phrases related to your business by inputting a few initial ideas.

This can help you identify popular terms with high search volumes and niche terms that might offer opportunities to rank higher due to lower competition.

The goal is to create a comprehensive list that captures a broad spectrum of potential customer searches.

Tip: If you’re just getting started, you can use this free keyword generator by Ahrefs to discover a limited list of keywords based on your ideas. Pay close attention to the KD metric, as this reveals how difficult it is estimated to rank for any given keyword.

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Analyze Competitors

Analyzing your competitors’ websites is a strategic move in keyword selection. You can gain valuable insights into the terms driving traffic within your industry by identifying which keywords they are targeting.

This analysis can reveal gaps in their strategies that you can exploit or highlight highly contested keywords that might be difficult to rank for. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can provide a detailed breakdown of your competitors’ keyword strategies, including the volume and rank of the keywords they’re targeting.

Understanding the competitive landscape can help you refine your keyword list, focusing on opportunities to differentiate your content and improve your search engine rankings.

Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific, often longer phrases that closely match the search queries of users looking for particular information, products, or services.

These keywords typically have lower search volumes but are less competitive and more targeted, increasing the likelihood of attracting qualified traffic to your website. For example, a term like “artisan gluten-free bakery New York” targets users with specific needs and intentions, making it easier for businesses to connect with their ideal customers.

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your strategy can improve your visibility in search results for niche searches, leading to higher conversion rates as you reach users with a defined interest in your offerings.

2. Refining Your List

After generating a broad list of potential SEO keywords, the next crucial step is refining your list to ensure it’s targeted and effective.

This involves considering the intent behind searches, ensuring relevance and context, and evaluating key metrics like search volume, competition, and difficulty. By meticulously refining your keywords, you align your strategy with user behavior and search engine algorithms, setting the foundation for improved rankings and more qualified traffic.

Search Intent

Understanding the intent behind a search query is pivotal in refining your keyword list.

Keywords can generally be categorized based on the user’s intent: informational (looking to learn), navigational (seeking a specific website), or transactional (ready to buy). Aligning your keywords with the correct search intent ensures that your content meets the searcher’s needs, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

For instance, if your goal is to increase product sales, prioritizing keywords with a transactional intent can drive more qualified leads to your product pages, aligning with your business objectives more effectively.

Relevance and Context

Choosing highly relevant keywords for your content and offerings is critical for search engine rankings and user experience.

Keywords should accurately reflect the content on your page and the services or products you offer. Using irrelevant keywords can mislead users, leading to a poor experience and potentially damaging your site’s credibility and rankings. To ensure relevance, consider the context in which your target audience might search for your content.

This helps attract visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer, enhancing the chances of conversion.

Keyword Metrics

Evaluating your keywords based on search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty is essential for refining your list.

Search volume indicates how many people search for a particular term, providing insight into potential traffic. However, high search volume can also mean high competition, making ranking harder. Keyword difficulty indicates how challenging achieving a high ranking for a term will be.

Balancing these metrics is critical; ideally, you want to target keywords with enough search volume to drive traffic but with manageable competition and difficulty, optimizing your chances of ranking well.

3. Organizing Keywords by Priority

Organizing keywords by priority is a crucial step in SEO strategy. It ensures that your efforts align with your business goals and the needs of your target audience.

By categorizing keywords based on their relevance to your products or services, their search volume and competition level, and the customer journey stage, you can create a targeted approach that maximizes your website’s visibility and attractiveness to potential customers.

Align With Business Objectives

Your keyword strategy should directly support your broader business objectives, whether driving sales in a particular category, breaking into a new market, or establishing thought leadership in your industry.

You ensure that your SEO efforts contribute to tangible outcomes by aligning keywords with these goals. For instance, if increasing online sales is a goal, focus on keywords related to your best-selling products or services.

This alignment helps concentrate your SEO resources on areas with the highest potential ROI, making your marketing efforts more effective and strategic.

Customer Journey Stage

Recognizing that different keywords resonate with users at various customer journey stages is key to a successful SEO strategy.

Early-stage keywords might include informational queries as users research their problems, while later-stage keywords could be more transactional, indicating readiness to purchase.

You can guide potential customers through their journey more effectively by tailoring your keyword strategy to address each stage—from awareness to consideration to decision. This approach ensures that your content meets users’ needs at the right time, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Balance Between Volume and Competition

While high search volume keywords can be attractive due to their potential for significant traffic, they often come with high competition, making it challenging to rank well.

Conversely, niche keywords with lower search volume may offer less traffic but are more likely to rank and attract highly targeted visitors. The balance involves selecting a mix of both, aiming for keywords that offer a feasible challenge with a worthwhile traffic reward.

This balanced approach helps build a diversified SEO strategy that captures broad audience interests and niche market opportunities.

Create a Keyword Map

Assigning keywords to specific pages on your website is an organizational tactic that ensures comprehensive content coverage without overusing specific terms, a practice known as keyword stuffing.

This keyword map acts as a blueprint, guiding the creation and optimization of content so that each page targets a distinct set of keywords. This helps improve your site’s SEO performance by making it easier for search engines to understand and rank your content and enhances the user experience by providing relevant and focused information.

Creating a keyword map is a strategic step in organizing your site’s content architecture and improving your SEO efforts.

Related: The On-page SEO Checklist Every Business Owner Needs

Need Help Identifying SEO Keywords?

Attracting the right audience starts with selecting the perfect SEO keywords, and that’s where we excel.

Sachs Marketing Group is a digital marketing agency that identifies high-impact keywords that drive traffic and engagement, setting the foundation for your digital success. Our SEO services strongly emphasize competitive research and using data-driven insights during the keyword selection and implementation processes.

Related: What Are SEO Services & What’s Included?

Contact us today to learn how we navigate the complexity of SEO for you, transforming your online presence and connecting you with your ideal customers.

Do you need help with your SEO strategy?


Selecting the right SEO keywords is crucial for enhancing online visibility and connecting with your target audience.

You can strategically improve your website’s search engine rankings by understanding what SEO keywords are and leveraging expert help from agencies like Sachs Marketing Group.

Mastering how to select SEO keywords effectively will boost your site’s traffic and significantly enhance your digital marketing efforts.

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SEO virtuoso, CEO @Sachs Marketing Group. Focused on being of service to business owners - helping to better position them in the eyes of their audiences.

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