Weekend Favs November 26

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

  • Vadoo – is a video hosting platform that helps brands and creators to engage and grow their audiences by uploading, recording, and sharing videos with just one click.
  • Universe – is an immersive EdTech solution where educators and students can simulate a real classroom experience online. They can debate ideas freely with a 3D audio feature, maintain high attention levels with breakout rooms and custom-made quizzes, and drive engagement by rewarding students with points.
  • Plask – is an AI tool that transforms videos of people into animated online characters in seconds. Just record yourself, drop the video into the platform and make the final edits to your animation. 

These are my weekend favs; I would love to hear about some of yours – Tweet me @ducttape

If you want to check out more Weekend Favs you can find them here.

[FREE] AI Prompts for Building a Marketing Strategy

Picture of AI Prompts for a Marketing Strategy

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Plask.ai, Tools, Universe, Vadoo

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