What Brands Need to Think, Do, and Say to Stand Out

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Marketing Podcast with Ron Tite
Podcast Transcript

Ron Tite Headshot

Today’s guest on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is a speaker, author, and founder and CEO of the agency Church + State, Ron Tite.

Tite is an award-winning advertising writer and Creative Director who has worked with clients such as Kraft, Air France, Hershey, Fidelity, and Volvo.

His book, Think Do Say, is a guide for brands who don’t know how to stand out in today’s marketing landscape (and really, who does)? With ads coming at consumers from every which way, it’s hard for them to know who’s worthy of their attention.

Rather than trying the latest marketing trick or hanging your hat on strategic jargon, the secret to standing out is really “think, do, say.” What’s the driving belief behind your brand, how do you behave to back up what you believe in, and how do you talk about your central purpose?

Questions I ask Ron Tite:

  • Do we have to state what we believe in order to connect today?
  • What does Times Square have to do with the modern marketing landscape?
  • What should we be doing today that we’re not yet doing when it comes to marketing?

What you’ll learn if you give a listen:

  • Why you need to create a brand belief that goes beyond just your product.
  • What a “pitch slap” is (and why you don’t want to be someone who does it).
  • What the problem is with modern marketing communications.

Key takeaways from the episode and more about Ron Tite:

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Church + State, Ron Tite, Think Do Say

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