Weekend Favs July 28

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one that I took out there on the road.

  • Affinity – Create beautiful images for your marketing efforts with this platform that’s been described as “better than Photoshop.”
  • Sortd – Bring deliverables from your inbox, to-do list, and priorities together in one centralized place.
  • Iconosquare – Use analytics to grow your following on Instagram and Facebook.

These are my weekend favs, I would love to hear about some of yours – Tweet me @ducttape

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Affinity, Iconosquare, Sortd

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