Insider’s TikTok integration for remarketing: Paving the way for the future of social media

Aashna Vasa

Aug 17, 2022

Insider’s TikTok integration for remarketing: Paving the way for the future of social media Featured Image
Aashna Vasa

Aug 17, 2022

The ‘Rule of 7’ is one of the oldest in the marketing rule book. Seasoned veterans very well know that their chances of converting a prospect at their very first interaction are next to impossible. With so many brands offering almost the same products/services, the fight to convert, engage and retain customers is real.

In the case of mobile apps, these challenges get further magnified – users can churn at any lifecycle stage, sometimes immediately after their first purchase on a brand’s mobile app.  With 89% of smartphone users spending time on just 18 apps a day – digital marketers really need to be at the top of their game today to be able to grab attention and build a loyal customer base.

This is why mobile app remarketing is a smart, effective way for brands to regularly connect with their customers on the most popular channels. While Google and Facebook are digital marketers’ childhood friends when it comes to remarketing, brands today are putting TikTok at the heart of their strategy.

Table of Contents
  1. The world is on TikTok. Are you?

  2. Success Mantra: Making the most of your TikTok Remarketing?

  3. Parting Thoughts

The world is on TikTok. Are you?

TikTok has become a key driver, not just for reach and awareness, but also for sales and conversions,  justifying its role within brands’ eCommerce strategies. Since its launch, TikTok’s reach and influence have increased leaps and bounds.

With over a billion active users, TikTok offers a brilliant opportunity for marketers to reach audiences around the globe in a highly creative and playful environment. 25% of TikTok users globally say they have either researched a product or made a purchase after watching related content (Source: Marketer’s Guide to TikTok).

Success Mantra: Making the most of your TikTok Remarketing?

Even before you start retargeting ads, the most crucial step in the way is to get your audience segment right. Insider’s AI-powered segmentation empowers you to leverage 25+ algorithms to create razor-sharp segments based on the users’ behavior on the mobile app. And, with our one-click integration, you can send these fine-tuned segments to TikTok to reduce churn and fast-track engagements. We’ve rounded up three effective strategies you could leverage right away:

1. Drive retention by re-engaging with inactive customers

Target users who did not open the app in the last 14 days and are likely to churn; re-engage them to bring them to the app.

Mobile app banner for inactive users on TikTok

2. Boost conversions by targeting users who are likely to purchase

Leverage predictive segmentation to target the audience that is easy to convert. Combine them with events like product page views etc., to create highly focused user segments.

Discount banner on mobile app to convert high conversion potential customers on TikTok

3. Continuously engage with power users by sharing preferred content

Show remarketing ads to users who consistently use your app to share personalized content to keep them interested.

Mobile app banner that includes personalized content to retain active users on TikTok

Parting Thoughts

While TikTok retargeting ads are great brand-building and consumer conversion tools, they work best in a well-developed strategy. In reality, it is no different than retargeting on other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google. What’s important is to start with a finely focused segment as opposed to a broad and cold audience.

Insider’s Mobile App Remarketing Integration with TikTok lets you explore all these remarketing possibilities and maximize your RoAS.

Are you ready to steer your Ad Spend with AI? Get in touch with us today.

Since the beginning of her career, Aashna has maintained a niche focus on marketing of SaaS products. At Insider, she is responsible for managing the go-to-market strategies for Insider's product suite, and fostering relationships with analysts. A design thinker at heart, Aashna's current role empowers her to solve challenges for the larger marketing community that she's always been a part of.