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Introducing Litmus’ Email Marketing Dream Team


To run an outstanding email program, you need a best-in-class team. Our research shows a close correlation between a successful email program and a well-staffed email marketing team.

When it comes to Litmus’ own emails, the bar is set high. Not only internally, but by you, the subscriber. As marketers, we use the power of email to educate prospects and customers about Litmus and its tools—and ultimately get them to convert. But that’s not all. We also want to continue to push the envelope on what’s possible with email, provide inspiration to the email community, and share best practices and innovative techniques that help you take your emails to the next level.

That’s why, in 2019, we invested in our email team.  

Say hello to Litmus’ email marketing dream team. Learn what we do at Litmus and get a sneak peek of what you can expect from Litmus’ email program in 2019.

Heather Moran, Director of Email Marketing

Hi everyone! I joined Litmus in January of this year as Director of Email Marketing, where I am responsible for overall program performance in addition to leading email strategy and overseeing execution. My job is to translate business goals into email programs that deliver relevance and value for our subscribers, and identify opportunities to best leverage email as a channel for our unique subscriber base of email geeks. Prior to joining Litmus, I led and managed email marketing at companies including Synovus, Aflac,, Gilt Groupe, and Spanx.

Marketing to marketers isn’t a small task, nor is doing email at a company that does email. On top of that, three of the four of us have joined in the last few months. So for our team this year, I want us to focus on three enablers for success:

  1. Creating a sound infrastructure. Workflow is king, and as a newly formed team, I want to design a workflow process that maximizes individual team member talent and creates efficiencies for us. Along with workflow, another top infrastructure priority is ensuring that we are measuring how our program is doing and reporting it out in a way that is useful to understanding how we deliver value to the business.
  2. Ensuring our emails are relevant. Relevance is the right time, the right place, and the right message. Companies can send an email a day (or an email an hour!) if it hits those three points. As a start, we’ll be taking a look at our email subscription and customer profile center to make sure there is better alignment between what our subscribers think they are signing up for and what they are receiving.
  3. Always be optimizing. In sales, you may have heard the phrase, “Always be closing.” For email marketing, optimizing is really just a process of knowing where you are and then improving upon what’s there to get better. Given the constant change inherent in email marketing, it’s crucial to have an eye towards what’s coming next. With Alice Li and Lily Worth joining Jaina Mistry (who up until recently had been our incredible team of one!) we can focus on improving our email marketing program across strategy, code, and visual design.

When I’m not sifting through my email promotions and trying to decipher what tests companies are running (yes, because I’m subscribed to the same lists with multiple email addresses), you can find me watching YouTube videos of how to french braid toddler hair while chasing after my four-year-old daughter in Columbus, Georgia.

Jaina Mistry, Email Marketing Manager

Hi there! I’m Jaina, Litmus’ Email Marketing Manager, currently working from Bahrain. I started my journey in email marketing like most folks in the industry—I fell into it! Working as a web developer and designer over 10 years ago, email was just a part of the job. As the years went by, email became a bigger part of the roles I worked in. Eventually, I began specializing in email marketing.

At Litmus, I manage the email marketing programs across all areas, oversee the email editorial calendar, write email copy, and more. This year there’s been a huge growth in the email team at Litmus so much of this year will be spent understanding how we all work together as a team, refine our email workflow and processes, and how the team can continue building best-in-class email programs.

When I haven’t got my head in email I usually have a camera in my hands—photography has been my creative outlet since I was a teenager. You could also consider me a bit of a film nerd. I track every single film I watch, spend my days listening to film scores, and generally geek about movies. My not-so-proud film fun fact: I’ve watched Titanic over 40 times. Find me on Twitter to compare film notes, email subject lines, or share how many times you’ve seen Titanic.

Alice Li, Principal Email Engineer

I’m Alice Li, and I’m a total geek for email development and design. I’ve joined Litmus as their Principal Email Engineer and I’m a passionate evangelist for interactive and accessible emails. I began my career immersed in the world of ESP creative agencies such as Epsilon, Responsys, and Oracle since 2007. From there, I went on to serve as the sole email developer for Shutterstock for over three years as well as working as a UI engineer for Shutterstock’s new design system towards the end of my tenure. I love sharing my passion for email development with others—online and at industry events such as the Email Evolution Conference or Litmus Live in 2017 and 2018. Plus, last year I was honored to receive the Email Evolution Conference Stefan Pollard Award for the Email Marketer of the Year.

In my first few months at Litmus, I’ve been focused on refactoring existing email templates to improve accessibility and interactivity, load performance, and rendering. I look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of what email can do and showcase some of that innovation in Litmus’ email programs.

When I’m not working on emails, you can find me in a karaoke lounge or painting something to justify my BFA in New York, NY.

Lily Worth, Email Design and Production Specialist

My name is Lily Worth, the Email Design and Production Specialist at Litmus, working from Nottingham, UK.

The first email I designed was back in 2008, at a time when I had no idea just how much consideration needed to be made to get my designs to render across email clients. But I consider myself a problem solver, and getting that perfect render became an addiction. My love for email was born.

I graduated as an illustrator but quickly learned to code so that I could showcase my work online. However, this set a new path and I began a journey as a Digital Designer.

During the last ten years I have worked with some really exciting brands across a number of industries and sectors, designing and developing digital solutions for various marketing channels. I love bringing all of that experience to email, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible and hope to do so this year at Litmus.

In my spare time, I love to find new and obscure music to listen to, gardening in warmer weather, drawing, painting, and spending lots of time with my daughter.

Heather Moran

Heather Moran

Heather Moran was the Director of Email Marketing at Litmus