Here Are Some Off-The-Wall Video Marketing Tips You Can Try

Here Are Some Off-The-Wall Video Marketing Tips You Can Try

By Dave GrendzynskiSep 29 /2022

Video marketing is a downright necessity these days. If you’re not trying to develop your brand with video, you could be falling behind the competition. It’s just too important to ignore.

The results of a survey done by Wyzowl are telling. Their research shows that 88% of people want to see more companies use video this year. People already watch an average of 19 hours of videos online each week. That number is expected to keep going up.

But if you’re being held back by the thought of how much producing videos for your company might cost you, you don’t have to. You can take your video marketing into your own hands and do it yourself.

In recent posts, I discussed how you can produce your own videos without breaking the bank on equipment. We explained how you can use your smartphone to shoot high-quality video. For this post, though, we want to focus on the things you should be thinking about after you have your equipment and you’re ready to film. 

Quick! Get To The Point

Don’t bury the lede. Make sure you get the most important information that you’re willing to share at the beginning of your video. This way, you’ll not only hook your audience and get them to stay until the end, but you'll also establish your credibility. 

Pro tip: If there are several points you want to make in your video, consider breaking them into much smaller, easier-to-digest videos. Focus on one topic at a time. If you stay focused, you won’t have to worry about overloading your audience with information.

Speak Slowly And Enunciate

Assume your audience knows nearly nothing about your subject matter. This helps the video be more appealing to a wider audience.

Researchers at Cool Communicator put together a list of reasons why speaking slowly will give you an advantage, whether you’re giving a speech or speaking on camera. They say the advantages of speaking slowly include: 

  • You’ll feel more relaxed and in control. This is critical when you’re presenting because your audience can follow along more easily.
  • You can manage your pacing. By slowing down, you’ll be less distracted by stray thoughts, side points, and tangents that may flash into your brain.
  • Most importantly, you will project a more comfortable,, confident, informed demeanor.

Slowing down and enunciating will do wonders for your audience. Remember, it’s your responsibility to engage with them, so by speaking slowly and clearly, you’ll provide a better experience and increase their chances of staying until the end of your video.

Be Mindful Of Your "Scene"

The camera sees everything. So, if you’re not filming by yourself, have the person you’re with check over everything.

Make sure there aren’t any random items in the frame, like garbage cans or even garbage on the floor. Clean up the areas that you’re filming in. Make sure the space is clean and organized, etc. You want it spotless. 

Also, pay attention to what you’re wearing. Tuck your shirt in, check your tie to make sure it’s straight, and look to see if any hairs are out of place.

I’m a big fan of wearing a shirt with your company’s logo in every video you’re in. Why? It’s an easy way to reinforce your brand.

If you’re working alone, you can easily do all of this yourself. Walk around the area you’re filming in, give it the once-over, then head to a mirror and do the same to yourself. 

Video Marketing Made Easier 

Once you get your equipment squared away, following these simple steps will have you on the road to making high-quality marketing videos. It may seem daunting at first, but the more you do, the easier it will get. You’ll also find ways to improve your videos each time you watch your last one.

We partner with companies in many different industries for a range of video marketing projects as part of a larger content marketing plan. Our experts can help if you’ve filmed the video yourself and need a professional finish, you have an idea that we can execute or you want to explore how to tell your story through video and don’t know where to start. For more, visit our Video Marketing Services page.

video marketing

The Author

Dave Grendzynski

Dave uses the skills that won him three Emmy Awards as a television news producer to create compelling content for our clients. Dave honed his email, blog and social media writing skills in the Corporate Communications Department at Cleveland Clinic.