25 Best Email Marketing Tools to Dominate Inboxes in 2024

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So, you want to grow your business and need email marketing tools that are easy to use, affordable, and will turn your leads into customers, correct?

Lucky for you, we’ve narrowed down the more than 500 email marketing tools on the market to make up the best suite of email marketing software from email capture to inbox delivery.

Email marketing may be one of the oldest, non-sexy communication methods. However, it’s still highly effective and of paramount importance.

In fact, according to Emailmonday, for every $1 spent on email marketing, a return of $38 is generated on average. That’s an ROI that can’t be ignored and demands the careful selection of tools to obtain the same or better results.

We’ve broken down the 25 best email marketing tools:

  1. Customers.ai: Email Capture Tool
  2. MailChimp: Email Newsletter Tool 
  3. HubSpot: Email Marketing CRM Tool  
  4. Woodpecker: Cold Email Software
  5. Autopilot: Email Marketing Automation Tool
  6. Spently: Email Marketing Tool for Ecommerce 
  7. Mailgun: Best Transactional Email Service  
  8. Leadpresso: Email Marketing Tool for Digital Agencies and SaaS Companies  
  9. AWeber: Email Marketing Software for Small Business 
  10. Jasper: Email Marketing Copywriting Tool
  11. Gmail Ads: Email Advertising Tools 
  12. SendGrid: Email Marketing Platform
  13. Prospect.io: Email Lookup Tool 
  14. Mysignature.io: Email Signature Tool  
  15. Consumer Directory: Email List Builder
  16. Klaviyo: Email Marketing Automation 
  17. Phantombuster: Best Email Scraper
  18. Sendlane: Email Marketing Automation
  19. Email Octopus: Email Marketing for SMB
  20. Mail Genius: Email Spam Tester 
  21. Warmy.io: Email Warmup Tool 
  22. Instantly: Cold Email Outreach Tool 
  23. GlockApps: Email Deliverability Checker
  24. Omnisend: Email Subject Line Checker 
  25. MailCharts: Email Competitive Intelligence

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#1. Customers.ai: Email Capture Tool

Did you know you can capture the email addresses of people who visit your website without email forms?

With website visitor identification, you can identify ~20% of your anonymous traffic. 

That means you can capture emails simply by having people land on your website.

All you need to do is install one snippet of code on your site.

To install the Website Visitor ID X-Ray Pixel, sign up (for FREE!), go to your dashboard, and navigate to My Automations. 

Select + New Automation and get your pixel. We have easy install options for Google Tag Manager, WordPress, and Shopify, or you can install the pixel manually.

You can use the data you capture for:

  • Email marketing and retargeting
  • Creating Facebook ad lookalike audiences
  • Triggering direct mail to be sent
  • SMS campaigns

#2. MailChimp: Email Newsletter Tool 

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms due to its ease of use and ability to create great-looking emails with a drag-and-drop user interface.

And it’s perfect for your email newsletters.

email marketing tools for small business

For small businesses on a limited budget, the free version of MailChimp allows up to 2K contacts, one audience dashboard, segmentation tools, basic email templates, and basic reporting.

Another reason to consider using MailChimp as a small business is that the platform is scalable as you grow and can afford more of its features and services.

#3. HubSpot: Email Marketing CRM Tool  

HubSpot is well-known as one of the leading CRM platforms. It’s as easy to use as it is powerful.

And the email marketing tool is no exception.

HubSpot is ideal for small businesses on a budget because you get a ton of value from the platform for free.

The email marketing tool allows you to send up to 2,000 emails per month and collect an unlimited number of subscribers. Then, the CRM logs all of your subscribers’ info and interactions with your business so you can tailor your entire marketing strategy to them.

And as for the free tools, they include a form and popup builder as well as a landing page builder that can help you grow that email list, live chat to help you communicate in real-time with your site visitors, an ad builder so you can connect your CRM data to your digital advertising efforts, a ticketing software for your support staff, and more.

But it is also designed for you to scale. Switching platforms can be a real hassle, so it’s important to use a tool you can grow into. When you upgrade your HubSpot plan, you unlock access to more features that enable you to scale. More automation, advanced analytics, and segmentation, etc.

#4. Woodpecker: Cold Email Software

When it comes to cold email software, we’ve seen the best results with Woodpecker.

Woodpecker is the best tool for companies who need to contact prospects with automated, personalized email drip campaigns.

The platform has specifically been designed for cold emails and follow-ups that you can send directly from your Gmail and other major email clients.

One of the most common issues with cold emails is being blacklisted or ending up in spam folders. I’ve found Woodpecker to be the most secure email client for automated campaigns to mass email lists. 

Furthermore, Woodpecker is a great marketing agency tool for sending bulk emails because it’s easy for agencies to switch between client accounts and track results.

#5. Autopilot: Email Marketing Automation Tool

Autopilot is a visual marketing automation tool that helps companies create journey maps for their customers. 

The software has multi-channel marketing capabilities, including email, in-app, online, and snail-mail communications.

With Autopilot, you can automate emails at the right time by using triggers based on behavior and interest. 

For example, when a website visitor submits a demo request form or abandons your shopping cart without making a purchase, you can trigger emails specific to that user and their experience.

The self-service tool comes with a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for users to automate workflows and set up personalized messages.

Autopilot also includes features such as measuring campaign ROI and optimizing the revenue funnel based on real-time performance. The software integrates with Salesforce and other applications like InsideView, GoodData, Zapier, Slack, and Twilio.

#6. Spently (now UpOrder): Email Marketing Tool for Ecommerce 

Spently allows merchants to customize Shopify email notifications, automate post-purchase follow-up sequences, recover abandoned carts, and embed remarketing tools such as product recommendations, and discount codes to drive repeat purchases.

Using Spently, you can trigger event-based up-sells, discounts, and referral tools that are tailored to specific interactions that customers had with your brand via emails.

These emails have high open rates as well because they’re Shopify notification emails. 

Spently, users often use the platform to automatically follow-up with customers after purchases, shipments, and abandoned carts within a specified time-frame. 

Once your follow-up automation emails are ready to go, you’ll begin saving your business a lot of time while also increasing revenue.

#7. Mailgun: Best Transactional Email Service  

Transactional emails need to find your users’ inboxes and are triggered by a user action on a website or mobile app.

Some common examples of transactional emails include 

  • Password resets 
  • Shipping confirmations 
  • Invoices and receipts
  • Account notifications 
  • Social media updates
  • Welcome emails.

Mailgun is an email service for developers. However, it serves the needs of your marketing and sales teams.

Sending transactional emails shouldn’t be hard with the right transaction email service. With an email service provider or simple email service like Mailgun, you can send and track emails like these.

Mailgun gives you insight into analytics and mailbox provider performance, so you can see how Google’s Gmail, Yahoo, and other providers handle your messages.

Their goal is to help you achieve high email delivery rates and keep your transactional emails out of the spam folder.

#8. Leadpresso: Email Marketing Tool for Digital Agencies and SaaS Companies  

If you’re looking to get emails and other contact information in bulk, Leadpresso is the place to be.

Leadpresso works for any kind of B2B SaaS and exceptionally well for all social media, marketing, POS, content, and accounting related software companies.

You can start personalized email marketing campaigns at scale using data from Leadpresso.

Leadpresso’s unique database is organized around the largest channel SMBs use to market themselves and communicate with customers – Facebook Business Pages.

Facebook Pages provide a useful structure when it comes to categorization, popularity, and general rating of a business. 

To make this database work for you, Leadpresso enriches the data using more than 50 sources like websites of businesses, other social networks, ad networks, and others.

With more than 1,400 categories that companies use to describe their business, you can easily target the most appropriate companies for your solutions.

Additionally, with the rollout of new Facebook Shops, Leadpresso’s database will become even more valuable.

#9. AWeber: Email Marketing Software for Small Business 

Have you recently added a bunch of new subscribers to your email list? 

Well, instead of sending a barrage of your previously sent emails, you can use AWeber’s Follow Up feature to catch subscribers up to speed in a hurry. Additionally, AWeber’s autoresponder tool is a great way to engage your customers.

With AWeber, you’ll have access to over 150 email templates to make the email design process hiccup-free.

AWeber is also extremely flexible with many available integrations and an API o build your own apps and time-saving email marketing tools.

If you’re looking for a trusted email newsletter service that’s been around and has great support, AWeber is where it’s at.

#10. Jasper: Email Marketing Copywriting Tool

Jasper is one the best AI copywriting tools that can help you write better, more engaging emails. The app uses GPT-3 to analyze your email content and suggest ways to improve it. For example, Jasper can help you choose the right words to use in your email subject line, or to make sure your email body doesn’t sound repetitive or boring.

Although Jasper is still in its early stages, it has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses communicate with their customers via email.

#11. Gmail Ads: Email Advertising Tools 

People spend an average of 4.1 hours checking their work email every day — that’s 20.5 hours per week

Although we hope you don’t spend that amount of time dedicated to email, it’s easy to see why Gmail ads can be one of the best ways to target prospective customers.

Gmail ads, or Gmail Sponsored Ads, are interactive, paid advertisements that you can serve in prospects’ email inboxes.

Ads in Gmail display at the top of a user’s inbox within the social and promotions tab:

Although lead generation tools are one way to get inside a prospect’s inbox, it can be challenging for many businesses. 

Gmail ads provide a way around having to coerce leads to hand over their personal information.

#12. SendGrid: Email Marketing Platform 

Sendgrid is the go-to for hassle-free emails. Whether it’s for keeping in touch with your customers or firing off marketing campaigns, SendGrid makes it easy to get emails out there without needing to be a tech whiz.

For those just starting out or keeping things tight budget-wise, SendGrid’s offers a free plan that lets you send 100 emails a day. Perfect for small businesses or startups.

Additionally, while great for SMBs, SendGrid grows as your business grows. Need to send more emails? No problem. Looking for deeper insights and cooler features like dynamic templates and audience segmentation? SendGrid’s on it.

And for the tech-savvy, SendGrid’s seamless integrations with your favorite apps (including Customers.ai!) make workflows smooth and simple.

#13. Prospect.io (now Overloop): Email Lookup Tool 

Prospect.io has email lookup tools to build lists and automate your outbound lead generation campaigns.

Building mailing lists is the first step in sales prospecting. Prospect.io has tools to speed up the process while ensuring you create high-quality email lists.

Additionally, with Prospect.io, you can combine personal emails, follow-up calls, social touches, and tasks into a multi-channel campaign to reach your prospects wherever they are.

Lastly, Prospect.io has analytics and productivity tools that generate a list of tasks for you every day within campaigns. These tools help to make the most out of your sales efforts and to track your team’s performance over time.

#14. Mysignature.io: Email Signature Tool 

 With MySignature, you can create branded and professional email signatures for Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, and Office 365. You don’t need any technical knowledge, as this mobile-friendly email signature generator makes it easy for you to create multiple email signatures from anywhere, while saving you time.

In MySignature, you can choose from a wide range of professionally designed free email signature templates. Find email signature examples that reflect your branding and corporate voice. Choose the formatting, elements organization, color, and create an email signature that promotes your business.

Allow clients to contact you through alternative channels such as your website or social media accounts. The tool allows you to add clickable email banners, landing page links, and interactive call-to-action buttons to your approach to marketing your brand and services.

#15. Consumer Directory: Email List Builder

Consumer Directory is your key to unlocking precise customer targeting. 

With access to over 250 million U.S. consumers, it’s the ultimate tool for honing in on your ideal audience using rich demographic, interest, and behavior data. 

Consumer Directory not only cuts down lead times and acquisition costs but also amps up your marketing game by enabling hyper-targeted campaigns. 

Perfect for businesses aiming to connect deeply and efficiently with high-intent leads, it’s all about making your marketing efforts smarter, not harder.

#16. Klaviyo: Email Marketing Automation 

Klaviyo is more than just an email marketing platform – it’s a powerful tool that helps brands to create deeply personalized customer experiences. 

The power of Klaviyo lies in their segmentation and personalization capabilities. You can use customer data to segment your audiences, ensuring that each email campaign hits the mark. From automated welcome series to targeted promotional blasts, Klaviyo makes it easy to deliver the right message at the right time. 

Integration with leading ecommerce platforms like Shopify and Magento (and Customers.ai!) means you can start using customer actions to trigger personalized emails in no time. 

Plus, with advanced analytics, you can measure the impact of each campaign and continuously refine your strategy for maximum ROI.

#17: Phantombuster: Best Email Scraper

With all the growth hacking strategies that have become popular in recent years, one marketing automation tool has emerged as one of my favorites. And that’s Phantombuster.

Phantombuster provides over 200 code-free automation and data extraction tools for LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Zapier, Medium, Quora, and others.

Which means you can scrape emails and compare them for legitimacy across multiple platforms.

Each tool in Phantombuster can be used individually or combined with others to create full workflows.

For example, you can automate email scraping on LinkedIn, get noticed by Instagram users, hire developers from GitHub, get followed by your competitor’s Twitter followers, or find the Instagram accounts of all the restaurants in a neighborhood.

Use Phantombuster on your social media channels to automate the following:

#18: Sendlane: Email Marketing Automation

Sendlane simplifies ecommerce email journeys. 

You can build personalized automated sequences based on customer behavior – welcome new faces, win back abandoned carts, and nurture leads. 

They also have powerful features like A/B testing, dynamic product recommendations, and data-driven personalization to boost engagement and sales. 

Sendlane integrates with a number of ecommerce platforms (including Customers.ai) and does a great job providing insights to help refine your email marketing strategy. 

#19: Email Octopus: Email Marketing for SMB

Email Octopus is a streamlined email marketing service designed for efficiency and ease of use. Two things we love!

It stands out for its straightforward approach to campaign management, offering users the ability to create, send, and track email campaigns with minimal fuss. 

Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, Email Octopus is pretty cost-effective – definitely check out their free tier. 

User-friendly design and features like automation, segmentation, and analytics, make it a practical choice for those looking to maximize their email marketing efforts without the complexity.

#20: Mail Genius: Email Spam Tester 

Mail Genius is kind of like a spellchecker for deliverability. 

It’s designed to spot and fix issues that could send your emails straight to spam, essentially looking for anything that might trip up deliverability.

Getting into the inbox is hard enough these days so anything that can help, is certainly worth checking out.

#21: Warmy.io: Email Warmup Tool 

Warmy.io is your go-to for warming up your email account, making sure your emails land where they’re supposed to: in the inbox, not the spam folder. 

When starting a new email account or ramping up messaging, you can’t go all out. Warm.io helps you gradually building up your sending reputation with a network of real people. 

This tool is key for anyone looking to boost email deliverability, from marketers to sales pros, ensuring you reach your audience.

#22: Instantly.ai: Cold Email Outreach Tool 

Instantly.ai is amazing for email productivity, automating the tedious task of follow-ups and email sequences. 

Tailored for professionals who juggle multiple priorities, it streamlines email tasks, making sure every opportunity for connection is optimized. Plus, its intuitive design means you spend less time managing emails and more time focusing on what really matters—building relationships and closing deals.

Ideal for busy professionals looking to maximize efficiency without sacrificing the personal touch in their email interactions.

#23: GlockApps: Email Deliverability Checker

Glock Apps provides detailed testing and reporting on email deliverability, identifying where your emails are landing: in the inbox, spam folder, or not at all. 

We like that it offers insights and recommendations for improving open rates and engagement. 

With Glock Apps, you can pinpoint deliverability issues before they impact your campaigns, making it a critical asset for successful email marketing strategies. 

#24: Omnisend: Email Subject Line Checker 

Subject lines are the key to opens and Omnisend’s Subject Line Checker helps evaluate just how effective your subject lines will be. 

It uses data to score subject lines, providing feedback on how to improve them for better engagement. 

Additionally, it helps identify words or phrases that might trigger spam filters, further optimizing your email strategy for success.

#25: MailCharts: Email Competitive Intelligence  

MailCharts takes your email marketing intelligence to the next level by providing detailed insights into competitors’ strategies, campaign trends, and industry benchmarks. 

It not only offers a vast library of email examples for inspiration but also gives you tools to plan and optimize campaigns. 

MailCharts is a valuable asset for anyone looking to keep an eye on the competition.

Email Deliverability Hacks:

Unlocking Inboxes


Larry Kim

Founder and CEO, Customers.ai

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Email Marketing Tool FAQs

Q. What are email marketing tools?

Email marketing tools are software designed to create, send, track, and optimize email campaigns. They help businesses reach out to their customers and prospects through email, offering features like templates, automation, segmentation, and analytics to improve the effectiveness of email communications.

Q. Why use email marketing tools?

Email marketing tools are used to efficiently manage large-scale email campaigns, personalize messages for different audience segments, automate repetitive tasks, and analyze the success of email strategies. They save time, increase ROI, and enhance the ability to engage and convert recipients.

Q. How do email marketing tools improve ROI?

Email marketing tools improve ROI by allowing marketers to target specific segments of their audience with personalized messages, automate follow-up emails, and track the performance of campaigns. This targeted approach leads to higher engagement rates and conversions.

Q. Can email marketing tools help with GDPR compliance?

Yes, many email marketing tools include features to help businesses comply with GDPR, such as consent forms, easy unsubscribe options, and data management capabilities, ensuring that email campaigns respect privacy laws and regulations.

Q. What features should I look for in an email marketing tool?

Look for features like automation, segmentation, A/B testing, analytics, and integrations with other tools. These features help create more effective and personalized email campaigns, track their success, and streamline marketing workflows.

Q. How does automation in email marketing tools work?

Automation in email marketing tools allows you to set up triggers based on user actions or specified conditions, which then automatically send relevant emails to subscribers. This can include welcome emails, birthday messages, or follow-up emails after a purchase.

Q. How do email marketing tools help with A/B testing?

Email marketing tools facilitate A/B testing by allowing you to send two variations of an email to a small segment of your audience. You can test elements like subject lines, content, or send times to see which performs better and apply those insights to future campaigns.

Q. Can email marketing tools integrate with CRM software?

Yes, many email marketing tools can integrate with CRM software, allowing for seamless data exchange between the two systems. This helps businesses maintain updated customer information, personalize emails, and track interactions across both platforms.

Q. Are there free email marketing tools available?

Yes, there are several free email marketing tools available that offer basic features suitable for small businesses or those just starting out. However, as your business grows, you may need to upgrade to paid plans to access advanced features.

Q. How can email marketing tools track campaign success?

Tools track success through metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates. This data helps marketers understand audience behavior and refine strategies for better performance.

Q. What is the difference between email marketing and automation tools?

Email marketing tools focus on creating and sending emails, while automation tools offer more advanced features like triggering emails based on user behavior, creating workflows, and integrating with other marketing tools for a seamless campaign across channels.

Q. How do I choose the best email marketing tool for my business?

Consider your business size, budget, marketing goals, and the specific features you need, such as automation, analytics, and integrations. Also, look for tools with a user-friendly interface and reliable customer support.

Q. Can email marketing tools assist with lead generation?

Yes, by creating engaging content and targeted campaigns, email marketing tools can help capture and nurture leads, moving them through the sales funnel towards conversion.

Q. What role do templates play in email marketing tools?

Templates help create visually appealing and consistent emails quickly and efficiently, without needing extensive design skills. They can be customized to fit your brand and message.

Q. How do email marketing tools manage subscriber lists?

These tools allow you to import, organize, and manage subscriber lists, including adding new subscribers, segmenting lists for targeted campaigns, and cleaning out inactive or unsubscribed contacts.

Q. What are the benefits of using AI in email marketing?

AI can help personalize emails at scale, predict the best send times, optimize email content for engagement, and analyze data to provide insights into improving campaign strategies.

Q. How does social media integration enhance email marketing?

Integrating social media allows you to extend the reach of your email content, encourage social sharing, and integrate your marketing efforts across channels for a unified brand message.

Q. What security features should email marketing tools have?

Look for features like secure data storage, GDPR compliance, reliable unsubscribe options, and protection against data breaches to ensure your and your subscribers’ data remains safe.

Q. How do email marketing tools track campaign success?

Email marketing tools track campaign success through analytics and reporting features. They measure key performance indicators like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates, providing insights into how well your emails are performing and where improvements can be made.

Q. What is the best time to send email campaigns?

The best time to send email campaigns varies depending on your audience’s habits, but data from email marketing tools can help identify optimal send times. Generally, mid-week mornings are considered effective for business audiences, while weekends may work better for consumer-focused emails.

Q. How can email marketing tools prevent spam complaints?

Email marketing tools prevent spam complaints by ensuring that emails are sent only to subscribers who have opted in, providing clear unsubscribe options, and following best practices for email content and frequency. They also help maintain a healthy sender reputation to reduce the risk of being flagged as spam.

Q. What role does personalization play in email marketing tools?

Personalization plays a crucial role in increasing engagement and conversions. Email marketing tools offer personalization features that allow you to address subscribers by name, recommend products based on past purchases, and send targeted content based on user behavior and preferences.

Q. Can email marketing tools help in list building and management?

Yes, email marketing tools provide features for list building and management, such as signup forms, landing pages, and integration with social media platforms. They also offer capabilities for cleaning and segmenting lists to maintain high-quality, engaged subscriber bases.

Q. How do email marketing tools support mobile optimization?

Email marketing tools support mobile optimization by offering responsive design templates that automatically adjust to the screen size of smartphones and tablets. This ensures that your emails look great and are easy to read on any device.

Q. What is dynamic content in email marketing?

Dynamic content refers to the ability of email marketing tools to change parts of an email’s content based on the recipient’s data or behavior. This can include product recommendations, content preferences, or personalized offers, making each email more relevant to the individual subscriber.

Q. How does social media integration work with email marketing tools?

Social media integration allows you to connect your email marketing campaigns with your social media accounts, enabling you to share your emails on social platforms and add social follow buttons to your emails. This helps broaden your reach and engage with your audience across multiple channels.

Q. What is the significance of deliverability in email marketing?

Deliverability is critical in email marketing as it measures the ability of your emails to reach the subscriber’s inbox without being blocked or marked as spam. Good deliverability depends on a healthy sender reputation, adherence to email standards, and engaging content.

Q. How can I measure the ROI of email marketing campaigns?

You can measure the ROI of email marketing campaigns by tracking metrics such as conversion rates, revenue generated from email campaigns, and overall engagement. Email marketing tools provide detailed reports that help calculate ROI by comparing the revenue against the cost of running the campaigns.

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