Martech’s moment of truth: Why product excellence beats slick sales pitches

Elevate your martech beyond just functional tools and transform them into emotional catalysts that aid marketers and delight customers.

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The beat drops, the lights flash and a charismatic salesperson struts across the stage, extolling the virtues of their latest martech solution. It’s a scene from a bygone era when companies could woo clients with flashy presentations and empty promises. But those days are over.

Today’s consumers are digital detectives with a wealth of information at their fingertips. One scathing review or a whiff of buyer’s remorse on social media can hurt a company’s reputation faster than a retargeted ad.

I’ve been there, in the trenches of corporate procurement. I’ve sat through countless demos, each promising the moon and the stars, only to feel underwhelmed when it’s over. These industry giants, these supposed titans of martech, were peddling overpriced snake oil — bloated solutions masking a fundamental lack of innovation. They were content to rest on their laurels, charging a premium for mediocrity and catering to complacent clients with fat wallets and thin attention spans. Well, not anymore.

Redefining martech: From hype to authentic innovation

Here’s the truth bomb: Success in martech isn’t about the pitch but the product. Forget the bells and whistles, the jargon-filled presentations and promises of a one-size-fits-all solution. We need tools that not only function flawlessly but surpass expectations.

The market is saturated with me-too products, copies of copies with little to differentiate them. We need a revolution, an injection of genuine creativity. Innovation shouldn’t be a buzzword. It should be the lifeblood of martech. We need solutions that break new ground, push the boundaries of what’s possible and redefine industry standards.

Innovation without usability is like a Ferrari without an engine — looks impressive but is ultimately useless. User-friendliness should be the cornerstone of every martech product. Design with empathy, prioritize intuitive interfaces and focus on enhancing the user experience, not hindering it.

The spark before the flame: Building martech with a heart

It all begins with a spark — a yearning to help businesses not merely sell but connect. This translates into product development, where features aren’t simply bolted on but crafted to address the needs of marketers and their customers. User-friendliness becomes paramount, ensuring a product that helps, not frustrates. Innovation focuses on fostering human connection, not just engagement.

Once the product is honed, it’s time to rekindle the emotional spark. Marketing this then becomes a conversation, not a sales pitch. We reconnect with that initial yearning, translating it into a message that resonates with customers. We showcase how this solution isn’t just a collection of features but a tool that lets them connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Think about it: The power to tell compelling stories and the ability to forge relationships are the emotional aspects that differentiate your product. By tapping into them, we turn customers from passive observers into advocates eager to share their success stories.

Building from an emotional core and circling back to connect fosters a stronger brand identity and a more loyal customer base. It’s not about selling technology, it’s about helping businesses to build meaningful connections, one click, one story and one emotional spark at a time.

Dig deeper: 3 steps to an authentic brand: Identity, intention and implementation

The Social Impact Pyramid: Categorizing a business’s social impact

The Social Impact Pyramid is a framework for understanding and shifting your business from just selling “stuff” to connecting with consumers meaningfully. It categorizes a company’s social contribution, from fulfilling basic needs to creating positive change that benefits clients and society. Here are the components of the pyramid. 

  • Functional: Fulfilling basic needs (e.g., electricity providers)
  • Emotional: Enhancing well-being (e.g., Patagonia’s environmental activism)
  • Life-changing: Transforming lives (e.g., healthcare providers)
  • Transcendent: Creating a positive ripple effect (e.g., social justice initiatives)

While martech solutions might not be life-changing, they can climb this pyramid. The key is to elevate them to an emotional catalyst. Imagine software that lets marketers build genuine connections, not just generate leads. This shift — infusing functionality with emotional resonance — is where the true power lies. This is the secret to differentiating your product and creating a lasting impact on users and the world.

Here are some B2B tech brands that are getting it right:

  • HubSpot: HubSpot’s social media presence is a masterclass in infusing humor and personality into B2B marketing. They share relatable content about the struggles and triumphs of everyday work life, fostering a sense of community and connection.
  • Mailchimp: Mailchimp champions vulnerability and self-deprecation. It isn’t afraid to poke fun at itself and the B2B marketing world, making it instantly more relatable.
  • Canva: Canva strikes a perfect balance between promoting its design platform and offering genuine value to its audience. They share design tips, tutorials and user-generated content, establishing themselves as a thought leader and a trusted resource.

Building authentic brand advocacy

1. Unearthing your core values

  • What makes your company tick? Identify the principles that guide your decisions and actions. Is it innovation? Sustainability? Unwavering customer focus? These values become the bedrock of your brand identity.
  • What makes your team passionate?  Identify what excites them about coming to work each day. Is it tackling complex problems? Helping customers succeed? Weaving these into your brand narrative creates a sense of purpose that resonates with employees and customers.

2. Understanding your customers

  • What keeps your customers up at night? Go beyond demographics. Understand the challenges, aspirations and emotional drivers of your ideal customer. What are their pain points? What are their goals? By understanding their world, you can create a brand that speaks directly to their needs and desires.
  • Why are you creating what you’re creating? Connect your product or service to a deeper purpose. How does it solve a real problem in your customer’s life? Does it let them achieve something meaningful? A clear purpose elevates your brand from a mere transaction to a force for positive change.

3. Standing out from the crowd

  • Who’s your competition and what are they doing? Conduct a competitive analysis, but don’t get stuck chasing trends. Identify the white space — the unmet needs or unaddressed frustrations in the market. This becomes the opportunity to carve out your unique position.
  • What can you be known for? Beyond features and functionality, what emotional connection can you forge with your audience? Can you be known for your humor, innovation and commitment to quality? Owning a distinct personality trait sets your brand apart.

4. Earning advocacy 

  • Why should a middle manager champion your product to their busy Marketing Director? Move beyond traditional sales tactics. Create a product or service that solves a genuine problem for mid-level managers in their day-to-day work.
  • Empowerment beyond is more than fancy dinners and swag. It’s giving them the tools and resources to succeed. Provide insightful content, data-driven reporting and exceptional support. This lets them be heroes within their organizations, driving organic advocacy for your brand.

The future of martech belongs to those who ignite flames, not chase fleeting fads. Let’s build products that are more than just tools; let’s create experiences that move people. Style is the flame, but substance is the fuel. And that’s the recipe for true success in the ever-evolving martech landscape.

Building an authentic brand is a continuous journey, not a destination. By prioritizing soul-searching questions and understanding what your audience truly wants and needs, you’ll unearth the core values that will differentiate you, attract your ideal customers and ignite a loyal following who advocate for your brand long after the fancy dinners and swag have faded.

Dig deeper: Adapting marketing strategies for post-pandemic reality: The need for authenticity


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About the author

Jay Mandel
Jay Mandel is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, professor, consultant, coach, and author of "Brand Strategy in Three Steps (Kogan Page, 2023)." His transformative journey from corporate America to coaching reflects his commitment to infusing meaning and authenticity into the business world. With two decades of corporate experience, including a notable role as the former social media and content lead for Mastercard's global team, Jay's brand methodology is honed through a diverse range of corporate, entrepreneurial, and academic experiences. Armed with a Masters's in strategic communications from Columbia University, Jay is dedicated to guiding individuals and the companies they work for in pursuing clarity, strategy, and finding their unique market niche. Embrace growth, explore with purpose, and embark on a transformative journey with Jay Mandel today.

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