Why now is the right time to implement SMS marketing

Leading brands are embracing SMS marketing to engage customers in increasing numbers and in increasingly personal, relevant ways.

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On average, Americans now check their phones 262 times a day and daily screen time averages over five hours per day. People are using their phones more frequently, for longer periods of time, and are shopping from their phones more than ever before.

With 54% of web traffic coming from mobile, adding text messaging (also known as SMS) to your ecommerce stack can help your team reach more customers faster—while maintaining a seamless customer experience.

This practical SMS marketing guide from Cordial provides best practices and essential tips to help you build an effective SMS marketing strategy that drives new revenue streams and loyalty.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download Strengthen Customer Loyalty with SMS Marketing.

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Digital Marketing Depot
Digital Marketing Depot is a resource center for digital marketing strategies and tactics. We feature hosted white papers and E-Books, original research, and webcasts on digital marketing topics -- from advertising to analytics, SEO and PPC campaign management tools to social media management software, ecommerce to e-mail marketing, and much more about internet marketing. Digital Marketing Depot is a division of Third Door Media, publisher of Search Engine Land, MarTech and producer of the conference series Search Marketing Expo and MarTech. Visit us at https://digitalmarketingdepot.com.

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