Mon.Jun 12, 2023

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TikTok launches new AI ad script generator

Search Engine Land

TikTok has launched a free AI tool that can create scripts in a matter of seconds. The feature, called Script Generator , is available to all TikTok Creative Center users with a desktop TikTok for Business account. Why we care: The Script Generator will make life easier for advertisers by generating scripts for them. And the best part is, if digital marketers happen to hate the scripts generated, they have the option to run their enquiry again, as many times as they like, for no cost at all as t

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Is AI Sentient? Could it Ever Be? Experts Weigh In

Hubspot Marketing

Right now, AI does what we want. But what if it gets to the point where it only does what it wants? The current AI gold rush might leave many thinking about what AI might look like as it develops. In this post, we’ll discuss sentient AI, what it could look like, and if we should be worried about a world where robots are conscious (with scientific insight, too).


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Now You Can Use Buffer With Your Instagram Creator Account

Buffer Marketing

We couldn’t be more excited for this one. You can now enjoy all of the benefits of Buffer with an Instagram Creator account. For years, we’ve heard from folks that they want to connect a variety of Instagram accounts to Buffer. We have over 1 Million people who have connected an Instagram channel to Buffer, so we get this request a lot.

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Disappearing content is more memorable


New to Ariyh ? This is a 3min practical summary of a scientific study 🎓 Join 19,403 evidence-based marketers that grow using science, not opinions 📈 Subscribe here Today’s insight is brought to you by… The Juice Make your professional growth less overwhelming. What reports are other marketing directors reading? What‘s a must-listen-to podcast when you’re learning the ropes of paid media?

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Dos and Donts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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How better landing page experience and ad relevance can boost your Google Ads performance

Search Engine Land

Since the beginning, search marketing’s central theme has been to help consumers find the information and products they seek. This is why quality score is an essential factor that benefits both the advertiser and the consumer. Quality score is a useful metric for PPC marketers looking to gauge how well their ad quality compares to other advertisers.

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How to Get Started with Instagram DM Automation (4 Automations You Need) ?

Many Chat

Is your Instagram inbox exploding with 1,000 messages asking the exact same question every day? Are you struggling to reply to every comment, story mention and reaction, so your engagement rate is sinking each time you post? Are you thinking of hiring a personal assistant to answer your messages, but you’re afraid they just won’t sound like you , and then you factor in their hourly rate…?

More Trending

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How to Create Quality Instagram Reels in Less Time

Social Media Examiner

Looking for a faster and easier way to create Instagram reels? Wondering when to use native tools and when to use a third-party app? In this article, you'll learn how to make the most of Instagram’s reels editor and learn when third-party apps are worth the extra steps. Why Marketers Should Know About the New […] The post How to Create Quality Instagram Reels in Less Time appeared first on Social Media Examiner.

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Influence & Co. Is Now Intero Digital Content & PR Division

Influence & Co

Influence & Co. is officially Intero Digital Content & PR Division! We're excited to now offer clients a full suite of digital marketing services.

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Can You Create Remarkable Content Consistently?

Marketing Insider Group

Good content will nudge the needle on your business’s visibility. Remarkable content changes lives and earns you loyal followers. For example, a recent study showed that educational content made buyers 131% more likely to purchase from the publisher. Over a third of that audience still felt the impact a week later. How can you make the kind of content that sticks with your target audience?

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Should you still pursue a career in marketing?

Businesses Grow

My friend Tim Peter posed an interesting and timely question on his Think Out Loud podcast — Should a student still pursue a career in marketing? Should anyone? It got me thinking. The answer to this question is certainly not as reliable or intuitive as it was a few years ago. Specifically, it has been projected that AI will nip at the heels of many white-collar skillsets and even eliminate the jobs of some entry-level and mid-career marketing professionals.

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Cracking the Code: Turning Intent Data into Go-to-Market Success

Speaker: Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo & Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2

Join Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo, and Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2 in this webinar where you're guaranteed to walk away with a fresh understanding of and a new perspective on intent data! Turn your go-to-market motions around with intent data! Instead of searching for ways to showcase your products, reach out to the customers that are searching for your solutions — then build your messaging around their needs to set you apart from the competition. 🚀 With

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Buffer vs. Agorapulse: A Side-by-Side Showdown for Social Media Managers

Buffer Marketing

Navigating the crowded space of social media management tools can be quite a challenge. There are heaps of tools and dozens of features to rank and compare. So, to help you out, we’ve done the hard work for you. We have pitted Buffer and Agorapulse against each other to help you make a well-informed decision based on key features. Without further ado, let's dive into eleven key differences between these two platforms that all potential users should consider.

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0.146 Seconds: The Power of First Impressions on Your Brand

Digital Marketer

It takes only 0.146 seconds to love your brand, or at least it should. That’s how long it takes for someone to form a first impression of your brand. And if you’re not making an emotional connection with your audience in that fraction of a second, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to win their hearts and minds. But here’s the thing: visuals aren’t always the best way to make that emotional connection.

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The innovator’s dilemma: How to future-proof your martech stack


Like surfers riding the crest of change, we are tasked with navigating the ebbs and flows of the ever-evolving marketing technology landscape. This constantly changing ecosystem presents opportunities and challenges to our teams and organizations. Amid the potential chaos and complexity, agile marketing teams can find unique advantages. The martech landscape continually unveils solutions that enhance customer engagement, personalize experiences and analyze behaviors.

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AI: How Good Is Good Enough?

CMO Network

Many business leaders today are excited by the idea of implementing AI solutions that will replace humans in customer-facing roles. But, there are roadblocks.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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The Best Email Campaign Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

Vertical Response

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with their audience and drive sales. However, creating a successful email campaign requires the right tools to help you reach your goals. In this article, we’ll explore the best email campaign tools on the market and how they can help you achieve your objectives. Understanding Your Email Campaign Goals Before selecting an email campaign tool, it’s important to define your goals.

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The Top 5 Actions to Successfully Scale Your Small Business

Duct Tape Marketing

The Top 5 Actions to Successfully Scale Your Small Business written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing The journey of growing your small business can be an exciting one, but also full of challenges. To make the process smoother, here are my top 5 critical actions I believe every small business needs to take to grow strategically. These simple but effective steps can help you create a solid growth strategy, keep your customers satisfied, and ensure your business keeps thriving.

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Tapping Into A Gen Z Mindset With Unique Cross-Generational Experiences

CMO Network

Creating a memorable, authentic customer experience (CX) is about much more than being friendly (though that certainly counts).

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Exploring Effective Inbound Marketing Channels

Rock Content

Today’s consumers turn to the internet for reasons that go way beyond simple entertainment or the occasional social media chat with a friend. They’re looking for real answers and solutions to their problems, including valuable information that could help them make smarter purchasing decisions. The term inbound marketing refers to any method that a marketer might use to attract new leads, reinforce relationships with existing customers, or better meet the needs of their desired audience.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Tips for writing guest articles

SmartBrief - Marketing

Writing guest pieces offers entrepreneurs and other business leaders several advantages. While these articles tend to be non-promotional in character, they enable authors to display their expertise, thereby building their credibility and authority. By contributing guest articles, you demonstrate that you are on the cutting edge of your industry and cultivate trust with customers.

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How to develop a winning customer experience strategy

Sprout Social

Customer experience (CX) is all about how your customers perceive their interactions with your brand. A positive CX can turn casual browsers into loyal customers, while a negative one can send them straight to your competitors. Now, enter social media — your secret weapon. It’s more than just likes and shares. With billions of users worldwide, it’s an invaluable channel for real-time interaction, customer care , feedback and engagement.

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How To Become a Social Media Consultant in 2023


As the expectations have grown for businesses to have a solid social media presence, so has the demand for social media consultants. Do you have a passion for digital communication, a keen understanding of social media platforms, and a desire to help others get the most out of their online marketing strategy? Then becoming a social media consultant might be the perfect avenue for you.

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How to set up feed rules in Google Merchant Center and ensure quality product data

Search Engine Land

The product feed is the single most essential element when it comes to listing shopping inventory on Google. However, feeds can be notoriously low-quality and heavily neglected. Shopping feeds work on multiple levels to help promote retail businesses, with paid and free listings. This, coupled with the emergence of more AI within Google Ads, propels the importance of the feeds to even higher levels.

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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3 prevailing themes pointing to a martech reset


I recently taught some martech workshops (in person!) and received numerous fascinating questions from stack leaders. Clearly, 2023 represents another year of great change as omnichannel aspirations take on higher priority and leaders continue to revisit their platform choices amid growing hype around artificial intelligence and machine learning. Here’s my take on three clusters of questions and topics that arose: CDP programs as stalking horses for customer data modernization.

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How to use SEO education for stakeholder management

Search Engine Land

A lot of what impacts SEO success is ultimately out of the hands of search professionals. We can have elaborate and robust SEO strategies in place. We can demonstrate substantial traffic growth. Our organic conversions can be higher than ever. All it takes is an errant noindex tag to decimate our success overnight. There are a few ways to protect against this happening – including building processes, checks and balances and QA systems.

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Global digital ad spend set to grow 8.4% this year


Global digital ad spending will “only” increase at 8.4% in 2023, according to a GroupM report out today. This is its smallest increase since the 2009 financial crisis, but this year it is limited by success, not economic problems. “Digital pureplay ad revenue will account for 68.8% of the total [ad revenue growth] in 2023 and will reach 74.4% of total ad revenue by 2028,” the report says.

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Email Deliverability: What It Is & How to Improve It


Planning, creating, and testing an email is a huge undertaking, and getting it to your subscribers’ inboxes is the final push until it’s out of your hands. Getting your message to your audience isn’t as simple as hitting ‘send,’ however. Every email is an opportunity to connect with your audience and positively impact your company—but only if it makes it to their inbox.

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Sales & Marketing Alignment: How to Synergize for Success

Speaker: Carlos Hidalgo, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, Author, International Keynote & TEDx Speaker

Recent research shows that only 50% of B2B organizations state that they have good alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This lack of alignment tremendously impacts the ability to meet business goals, and is a limiting factor for building and maintaining customer relationships. While many B2B organizations continue to struggle with aligning their marketing and sales teams, they can take practical steps to unify both teams and simplify their overall approach.

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The "Instagram Ranking Explained" Explainer for Creators (+Advice)

Buffer Marketing

Most people’s understanding of algorithms is hand-wavy at best. Different experts will give you different answers, but the truth is only the people who build the algorithms truly understand them. That’s why this update from Instagram’s CEO, Adam Mosseri, about how ranking (a.k.a. The Algorithm™) works on the platform is such a big deal.