Tue.May 16, 2023

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How the Writer's Strike Could Impact Marketing and Advertising

Hubspot Marketing

Welcome to HubSpot Marketing News! Tap in for campaign deep dives, the latest marketing industry news, and tried-and-true insights from HubSpot’s media team. Hollywood screenwriters are now two weeks into their strike against major networks and streaming companies. The strike, which is expected to last well into summer , began on May 2 after six weeks of failed negotiations between the Writers Guild of America (WGA) which represents over 11,000 working screenwriters, and the Alliance of Motion P

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AI in social media: 6 tools to get you started fast


In the words of Big Daddy Kane: “Managing social media ain’t easy.” There are countless channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, LinkedIn, just to name a few. Posts to write. Graphics to design. Reels to film. Cats to meme. The list goes on and on. To stay on top of it all… well, it’s a full-time job. But AI for social media can make it a whole lot more manageable.

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The 5 Types of Social Media and Pros & Cons of Each (Research)

Hubspot Marketing

Marketers commonly use social media to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and improve traffic. If you’re tasked with starting a social media strategy for your company, you might be wondering which type of platforms you should be on. Your platform choice will likely change based on your audience. The list of social media platforms is growing, and well-known platforms like Facebook are always evolving and adding new features.

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What marketers should keep in mind when adopting AI


AI applications and generative AI tools are becoming more widely available to marketers , but are marketers ready for them? Do they have the skills needed to adopt this technology and take full advantage of its capabilities? That was the focus of a panel at The MarTech Conference , here are some of the takeaways from that discussion. AI requires human supervision As AI evolves, capabilities will expand.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 With that said, have you ever wondered how to write a compelling press release? Have you considered best practices when it comes to pitching your news to journalists to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each of each piece of news you pitch!

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What Is A Digital Marketing Strategy? 5 Steps To Create One via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Search Engine Journal

Don't confuse short-term tactics with an overall strategy. Create a successful digital marketing strategy for the long run with these five steps. The post What Is A Digital Marketing Strategy? 5 Steps To Create One appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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How & When to Use Generative AI [+Tools to Consider]

Hubspot Marketing

When ChatGPT came on the scene last year, it changed the entire artificial intelligence industry. This generative AI tool produces answers to almost any question it’s asked. And it’s already considered one of the best chatbots ever created. Generative AI is the newest form of artificial intelligence that’s making headlines. While the technology isn’t new, AI can now create authentic content that’s usable in marketing.

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Google PageRank Explained for SEO Beginners via @sejournal, @Dixon_Jones

Search Engine Journal

All SEOs should have a good grasp of what PageRank was, and what it still is. Read on to level up your understanding. The post Google PageRank Explained for SEO Beginners appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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How Marketers Can Use AI Assistants [+12 Best Tools]

Hubspot Marketing

Have you ever spoken with customer service via a chatbot? If you're like me, you sometimes wonder if the other voice is a human or an astute AI assistant. An AI assistant mimics human-like interactions and can assist in various activities — from organizing your inbox to responding to customer queries. But how can AI assistants help marketers? Here, we'll cover a variety of use cases, along with 12 AI tools for productivity, time management, and more.

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The state of social media 2023: Business leaders weigh in on what’s next

Sprout Social

It’s been two years since we last partnered with The Harris Poll to understand how leaders view the state of social media and its impact on an organization. At that time, social as a channel and profession was undergoing a major evolution. Today, it’s clear that constant change is simply a part of the job. Emerging technologies, rising consumer expectations and a shifting social media marketing landscape have left many with questions on how to navigate this changing terrain.

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How to Increase Online Visibility for Your Business

Sachs Marketing Group

A business can increase online visibility by optimizing its website for search engines, creating valuable and relevant content, maintaining an active presence on social media platforms, and using email marketing effectively. Additionally, online advertising, including PPC and social media ads, can boost visibility by reaching a larger, targeted audience.

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Cracking the Code: Turning Intent Data into Go-to-Market Success

Speaker: Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo & Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2

Join Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo, and Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2 in this webinar where you're guaranteed to walk away with a fresh understanding of and a new perspective on intent data! Turn your go-to-market motions around with intent data! Instead of searching for ways to showcase your products, reach out to the customers that are searching for your solutions — then build your messaging around their needs to set you apart from the competition. 🚀 With

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LinkedIn Ads: How to A/B Test Your Way to Effective Campaigns

Social Media Examiner

Are LinkedIn ads part of your sales funnel? Wondering how to split test your ads in LinkedIn Campaign Manager? In this article, you’ll learn how to A/B test LinkedIn ads’ placements, creative, targeting, and more. Why Split Testing Matters for LinkedIn Advertisers Whether you’re launching a new offer or want to improve existing funnels, you […] The post LinkedIn Ads: How to A/B Test Your Way to Effective Campaigns appeared first on Social Media Examiner.

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The importance of Stakeholders and Practice Leads in agile marketing


There’s a big misconception, especially in marketing, that agile is a new practice for the team. Some think that if the team gets trained on agile marketing , they can work differently, with new meetings and tools,and reap the benefits of agility: speed-to-market, customer-centricity and team satisfaction, just to name a few. This theory is fundamentally flawed because agility is a mindset and a new culture with strategies that support how you achieve the new desired state.

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3 Performance Max reporting and data limitations

Search Engine Land

Performance Max (or PMax) campaigns are gaining traction among search advertisers. Google’s machine learning resources optimize ad placements across Google’s entire network of inventory. This lets advertisers maximize their efforts and reach their target audiences more efficiently. However, there are always trade-offs when taking advantage of these proprietary capabilities, especially as we lose more visibility and levers to pull.

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Are you getting the most from your stack? Take the 2023 MarTech Replacement Survey


Under budget constraints but also under pressure to generate growth, marketing and marketing ops leaders have been taking a close look at the ROI on martech solutions. We want to know what conclusions you have been reaching. Have you been consolidating your existing stack? Have you been gambling on promising new tools? Are you perhaps reducing your tech holdings?

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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3 Ways To Know If Brand Awareness Gets Your Marketing on Base [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Content Marketing Institute

You can’t tie a baseball player’s stats directly to team wins. And you can’t connect a direct line from brand awareness to the bottom line. But that doesn’t mean you can’t measure the impact of brand awareness on the customer journey.

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Step-by-step guide for growing your agency by Digital Marketing Depot

Search Engine Land

Running a successful agency means skillfully navigating a complex environment filled with challenges and opportunities. This involves managing multiple projects efficiently, going above and beyond client expectations, and consistently achieving profitability. Teamwork Co-Founder, CEO, and former agency owner Peter Coppinger has created the ultimate step-by-step guide for agencies of all sizes. “ The Ultimate Guide to Scaling Your Agency ” is packed with practical insights and actiona

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The Antidote to AI Taking Over SEO: Publish More Content?

Marketing Insider Group

Well folks, sharpen your pitchforks and abandon the marketing strategy we’ve been swearing by for 10+ years because industry influencers have delivered a shocking exposé: AI is taking over Marketing. Yeah, right… Image Source: Giphy Is it just us, or does this feel like a classic game of “telephone”? A few whispers of crazy AI claims and the entire marketing community is up in flames!

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50% of product searches start on Amazon

Search Engine Land

Amazon continues to be the most popular starting point for online shoppers with one exception – Gen Z, according to a new survey. Why we care. Nearly all consumers research purchases online and rely heavily on ratings and reviews. So it remains absolutely critical to be visible on any relevant platforms at moments when shoppers are researching and purchasing products.

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Sales & Marketing Alignment: How to Synergize for Success

Speaker: Carlos Hidalgo, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, Author, International Keynote & TEDx Speaker

Recent research shows that only 50% of B2B organizations state that they have good alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This lack of alignment tremendously impacts the ability to meet business goals, and is a limiting factor for building and maintaining customer relationships. While many B2B organizations continue to struggle with aligning their marketing and sales teams, they can take practical steps to unify both teams and simplify their overall approach.

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Don’t Waste Your Google Ad Spend: How Negative Keyword Lists Can Improve Your Google Ads Campaigns

Digital Marketer

As I was auditing yet another Google ad account at my agency Digital Street, one of the biggest and most common mistakes that popped up once again was no negative keyword list or negative keywords added to any of the campaigns. The ad account in question is spending $1500 a day i.e., around $45000 per month. I’ve audited 1000s of Google ad accounts and this one mistake annoys me to the hilt.

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Amazon plans to add generative AI to its search experience

Search Engine Land

Amazon is hiring – with the goal of making generative AI part of its product search experience. Job details. Amazon is searching for promising talent in software engineering and search marketing to reimagine search and create a seamless experience on their ecommerce platform. According to Amazon’s listing: “This will be a once in a generation transformation for Search.” Reinventing Amazon search.

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11 Social Commerce Updates for Merchants

Practical eCommerce - Marketing

Innovations in social commerce include augmented reality, live stream selling, third-party advertising, and much more. The post 11 Social Commerce Updates for Merchants appeared first on Practical Ecommerce.

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5 ways to set the stage for a successful SEO engagement

Search Engine Land

So you’ve won a new SEO client – hooray! Before you officially get the partnership kicked off, there’s a lot of ground to cover to help you set the stage for success and make a great first impression. As SEOs know, every website has two areas that need focused analysis before you kick off an SEO program: content and back-end setup. This article will tackle five initiatives my team undertakes right after the contract is signed to find and address those critical fixes and ensure we’re

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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A Practical Guide to Using AI in Email Marketing (For the Conscientious Marketer)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent. From customer service chatbots to academic research and even fake Drake songs , AI is everywhere. But as exciting as this new frontier is, it’s brought to surface a multitude of legal, ethical, and social concerns that have yet to be addressed with AI as it stands today. So, what’s the “right” way to use AI in email marketing ?

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The Top 30 Questions Marketers Ask About How AI Content Is Changing SEO [+Expert Answers]

Rock Content

In today’s digital age, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various industries cannot be ignored. In the realm of SEO, AI has brought about significant changes, revolutionizing the way content is generated, analyzed, and optimized for better rankings and visibility. As AI-powered tools and algorithms become more sophisticated, questions and discussions arise regarding the implications, advantages, and challenges that AI content presents in the SEO landscape.

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Microsoft now rolling out new Bing Chat features including chat history, mobile features, and more

Search Engine Land

Earlier this month, Microsoft announced several new features for Bing Chat , to celebrate the launch of Bing Chat and co-pilot 100 days ago. Some of those features we have seen go live and many more are now live today. The new features we covered earlier include image answers with knowledge cards and optimized answers. As a reminder, Bing Chat removed the waitlist earlier this month, opening Bing Chat to those who want to use Microsoft Edge.

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#MarketersBreakfast Recap | Marketing Therapy

Set Up

The Set up #MarketersBreakfast is a chance for marketing leaders to gather together each quarter as peers to network with, learn from, and inspire one another. Several years ago, we presented the theme “Marketing Therapy” to our Set up audience. A lot has happened in the last six or seven years, and what better way to process challenges than through group therapy?

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Write For Us: How to Guest Post on the Buffer Blog

Buffer Marketing

✅ The Buffer team is currently accepting pitches for guest posts. If that should change in the future, we’ll update this portion of the page 🗒️ Due to the volume of pitches we get, we can only follow up on a select number of submissions. If you don't receive a response within two weeks, you’re welcome to send a new pitch for us to consider.

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Why AI will make the greatest impact on B2B audience insight, not on content


Less than 10 minutes after the release of ChatGPT , I received a spam email from a company offering AI-generated blog posts, probably generated by the tool. Maybe it wasn’t exactly 10 minutes, but it sure felt that way. Since then, I’ve received countless solicitations from companies offering all kinds of AI-generated solutions. Will the ability to send better emails/content written more quickly by AI change the lives of B2B marketers for the better?

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Why AI will make the greatest impact on B2B audience insight, not content


Less than 10 minutes after the release of ChatGPT , I received a spam email from a company offering AI-generated blog posts, probably generated by the tool. Maybe it wasn’t exactly 10 minutes, but it sure felt that way. Since then, I’ve received countless solicitations from companies offering all kinds of AI-generated solutions. Will the ability to send better emails/content written more quickly by AI change the lives of B2B marketers for the better?