Mon.May 13, 2024

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6 unpopular SEO opinions you need to consider

Search Engine Land

It seems like the search algorithm changes have been hitting harder than a Taylor Swift breakup song. There’s been much talk about core updates , helpful content , reputation abuse , etc. OpenAI is building a search engine , and Google’s Search Generative Experience is likely expanding soon. It’s getting hard to keep up, and many SEOs are having some serious FOMO.

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Leadership Spotlight on Entrepreneurship: Meet Emmett King

Aspiration Marketing

In this edition of our Leadership Spotlight series, we had a Q&A with Emmett King about his role as an entrepreneur and angel investor.


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7 B2B content distribution strategies that work

Search Engine Land

You’ve created awesome content, but now what? Content distribution is the secret sauce that gets your hard work in front of the right eyes. And for B2B, you need a content strategy with a strategic distribution plan. I’ve been in the content trenches for years, and I’ve seen firsthand what works (and what falls flat). Here are a few proven ways to supercharge your B2B content distribution strategy.

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My commencement address: Enthusiasm in the darkness

Businesses Grow

Harbour Space University describes itself as “The State of the Art University for Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Design.” But over two years, when I taught online classes for them, I also learned that it is home to some of the hungriest, most ambitious, and brightest students anywhere. I was delighted and honored to be invited to provide a short commencement speech for the students at their Bangkok campus.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 With that said, have you ever wondered how to write a compelling press release? Have you considered best practices when it comes to pitching your news to journalists to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each of each piece of news you pitch!

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Search ad costs rise, conversion rates decline again in 2024

Search Engine Land

Paid search advertising conversion rates have decreased across nearly all industries year over year. Meanwhile, the cost of generating leads through search ads continues to increase. Feeling déjà vu? I sure was after reading LocalIQ’s annual search advertising benchmarks report, which was released today. It’s basically more of the same story as 2023.

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Martech spending falls to lowest level in 10 years


Marketing technology spending fell this year, reaching its lowest level in a decade, according to a new Gartner report. Martech is now getting 23.8% of the marketing budget, down from about 25.4% in 2023, according to Gartner’s 2024 CMO Spend Survey. Spending also fell for staff and agencies, while paid media grew. It went from 25.6% last year to 27.9% in 2024.

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More Trending

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What to A/B test: 10 A/B testing ideas to inspire your experiments


/ A/B Testing What to A/B test: 10 A/B testing ideas to inspire your experiments By Josh Gallant and Oli Gardner. Updated on May 13, 2024. 13 min read So your conversion rate isn’t where you want it to be. It happens to the best of us. The big question is, what can you do to right the ship? Should you just tweak the headline? Maybe you need to change your pricing?

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Entity-oriented search: The evolution of information retrieval, explained

Search Engine Land

We rarely stop to think about the lightning speed of modern information access. Try picturing a time when answers lived only in libraries – it seems archaic now. Search tools have become so powerful that they grasp the meaning behind your questions, not just the individual words. This capability is the result of an evolution from keyword to entity-oriented search.

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The best Mother’s Day ads of 2024


Mother’s Day is a fantastic opportunity to share our appreciation with the moms and mother figures in our lives, but it is also prime time to see some great ads. The annual maternal celebration took place on Sunday, May 12 this year. In addition to showering moms everywhere with flowers and cards, advertisers jumped at the chance to share their perspectives on the importance of motherhood.

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Google limits functionality of suspended ads accounts

Search Engine Land

Google is rolling out restrictions for suspended Google Ads accounts , limiting the actions advertisers can take while their accounts are suspended. Restrictions will be implemented in June 2024. Why we care. The restrictions could frustrate some advertisers wanting full access during suspension periods. What’s new? The functionality of suspended accounts will be narrowed to a few key areas like billing, appeals/verification, security settings and account navigation.

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Cracking the Code: Turning Intent Data into Go-to-Market Success

Speaker: Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo & Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2

Join Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo, and Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2 in this webinar where you're guaranteed to walk away with a fresh understanding of and a new perspective on intent data! Turn your go-to-market motions around with intent data! Instead of searching for ways to showcase your products, reach out to the customers that are searching for your solutions — then build your messaging around their needs to set you apart from the competition. 🚀 With

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How to Promote Your Content as a Creator

Hubspot Marketing

You spend countless hours editing video content to perfection, writing the perfectly optimized blog post, and putting together the absolute best resources for social media … only to realize that you still have to convince people to actually view your content. Your content could have the secrets to world peace and curing jet lag, but it doesn't matter unless people actually see it.

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Unlocking growth: The power of user communities for B2B SaaS companies


Building and nurturing an active user community can be a game-changer for B2B SaaS companies looking to drive sustainable growth. Implementing a user community strategy offers myriad benefits, supported by industry data and real-world examples from companies like Gainsight, HubSpot and Rocketlane. Understanding user communities About six years ago, I led a global team at a B2B SaaS startup company.

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Top 5 Local Rank Tracker Tools (Tested & Reviewed)


Local rank trackers automate the process of tracking local search engine rankings. Allowing you to save time while getting more profound insights. For example, Stratedia , a marketing agency, improved its clients’ results after investing in Semrush Local, a suite of local SEO tools. This enabled Stratedia to strengthen its offerings, from listing management to improving clients’ local visibility.

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The advertising industry “has stalled” as it faces a cookieless future


Quantcast is a global digital advertising, audience insights and measurement platform. Understandably, it has been following the Google Privacy Sandbox saga with close attention. We sat down with their U.K.-based CMO Amit Kotecha in their New York office for a conversation about recent developments, including the latest delay in cookie deprecation and the new report from the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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5 mistakes to avoid when adding new ecommerce channels by Digital Marketing Depot

Search Engine Land

Today’s shoppers interact with brands and products across multiple touchpoints before making a purchase, which means having a presence on numerous shopping destinations is crucial to revenue generation. But before you start listing products on a bunch of new channels, it’s important to consider and prepare for the challenges of scaling your online business.

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OpenAI unveils its new flagship, ChatGPT-4o


OpenAI’s latest ChatGPT flagship is ChatGPT-4o (“o” for “omnimodel”) which will operate across images and audio as well as text, and will be available to all users, including free users. The news came in a brief online announcement from Mira Murati, OpenAI’s CTO and former interim CEO during Sam Altman’s brief removal from the role.

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Demystifying Marketing's 6 Biggest Mixed Messages of 2024 with Jasper's Head of Enterprise Marketing

Hubspot Marketing

Welcome to HubSpot's Expert Edge Series , where we interview top execs at major brands to explore their perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the industry. " Use AI. But not too much AI … and in the right ways." "Optimize for SEO – but it's changing completely and irrevocably, so also optimize for other channels." "Speed and relevancy are top priorities.

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MOps alignment and core responsibilities: Best of the MarTechBot


Best of the MarTechBot showcases the MarTechBot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. See more about how marketers are using MarTechBot here. The language model is based on content from MarTech embedded on top of ChatGPT. The editors of MarTech selected this response for its usefulness and have supplemented it with additional relevant content.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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I’ve Added Multiple Revenue Streams to My Small Business — Here’s Why and How I Balance It All

Buffer Marketing

I wish I could tell you that passion always leads to a profitable business.  Unfortunately, as I’ve learned firsthand, that’s not automatically the case. I turned my lifelong love of reading and desire to support Black women into Socialight Society , a local bookshop in Lansing, Michigan, that caters to Black women who often lack representation in traditional bookstores.

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How to Use ChatGPT to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Rock Content

If you feel like you haven’t been able to go a day over the past couple of years without hearing about artificial intelligence (AI), it’s not your imagination. AI has completely taken the world by storm, revolutionizing how businesses manage their marketing campaigns practically overnight. ChatGPT is one of the more ubiquitous tools to hit the scene, and for a good reason.

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Top 5 Local Rank Tracker Tools (Tested & Reviewed)


Local rank trackers automate the process of tracking local search engine rankings. Allowing you to save time while getting more profound insights. For example, Stratedia , a marketing agency, improved its clients’ results after investing in Semrush Local, a suite of local SEO tools. This enabled Stratedia to strengthen its offerings, from listing management to improving clients’ local visibility.

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How to Succeed with the YouTube Algorithm in 2024

Rock Content

In an age where engaging video content is king, it makes sense that YouTube is a key part of digital marketing for millions of brands. YouTube videos do an excellent job of holding a viewer’s attention long enough for them to absorb crucial brand messaging. They’re also effective at driving conversions, boosting search engine optimization (SEO), and creating a readily engaged audience that eagerly keeps coming back for more.

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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Revenue operations agency vs freelancers: Which one to choose for your business?

Fractional CMO

Lights, camera… inaction! Many times, businesses realize they have certain requirements to meet their long-term revenue goals, but lacking resources and skills makes them feel stuck. Scaling is challenging, especially when you don’t want to increase your headcount. This inevitably leads to confusion: who do you hire? An agency or a freelancer? On paper, both choices have their benefits and downsides, and making a decision becomes a daunting task.

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Setup Pulse - 5.13.24

Set Up

Welcome to the Set up Pulse for Brands and Agency marketers alike! Every other week, we’ll provide three trending topics in the Marketing industry, as well as a new story that you will want to get your eyes on. Read about what’s being talked about this week! Trending Topics Gen Z = Penny Pinchers While economic conditions are on the rise, Gen Z’s not buying it. 40% are still pessimistic about the economy and are more conservative in their spending.

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9 proven marketing automation workflows (examples & templates)

Use Insider

6 simple and powerful marketing automation workflows We’ll begin this list with some well-known but essential workflows that most online businesses should implement and optimize. Before we dive in, note that you can build all of these workflows with Insider — our AI-native platform for individualized, cross-channel customer experiences. Our solution offers: A flexible marketing automation tool for 12+ channels.

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Do Digital PR and Link Building Go Hand in Hand?

Marketing Insider Group

Ever felt like the digital marketing world is spinning just a tad too fast? You’re not alone. Between trying to boost SEO and managing your brand’s online presence, it’s easy to get some wires crossed. But, let’s hit pause for a second. What if we told you that digital PR and link building aren’t just parallel lines running side by side; they actually cross paths more often than you might think?

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Sales & Marketing Alignment: How to Synergize for Success

Speaker: Carlos Hidalgo, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, Author, International Keynote & TEDx Speaker

Recent research shows that only 50% of B2B organizations state that they have good alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This lack of alignment tremendously impacts the ability to meet business goals, and is a limiting factor for building and maintaining customer relationships. While many B2B organizations continue to struggle with aligning their marketing and sales teams, they can take practical steps to unify both teams and simplify their overall approach.

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3 counterintuitive surprises about composable martech stacks in The State of Martech 2024 report

Chief Martec

For years, the conventional wisdom in martech has been: the fewer apps in your stack, the better. It’s obvious, right? By reducing the number of apps, you will save money, have a better user experience, and improve your governance control. The CFO’s default answer to optimizing martech costs? Cut apps. The CIO’s default answer to optimizing martech governance?

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The Evolution—And Future—of Litmus Live


Since its inception as The Email Design Conference in 2013, Litmus Live (as it’s now known) has been the event for email marketers all over the globe to get excited about. Including myself! The event is the beating heart of the email community—and that’s just one of the reasons why we feel the need to put the show on every year. A quick Litmus Live history lesson Originally, Litmus Live was designed to be an in-person event, where hundreds of email marketers convened in a single city.

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Rethinking fit, growth and go-to-market for the modern startup


What got your company here won’t necessarily help you in your next stage of growth. This reminder remains particularly relevant in the fast-evolving startup landscape. Since Marc Andreessen brought “Product-Market Fit” into mainstream startup vocabulary in 2007, this term has been seen as the ultimate goal for startups, often viewed as the holy grail of initial success.