Thu.Mar 14, 2024

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10 Email Marketing Tips That Drive 80% of Email Revenue


Mastering email marketing takes years, but focusing on just a few key tips can significantly improve your ROI. This post. Continue Reading The post 10 Email Marketing Tips That Drive 80% of Email Revenue appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Should I Have a Multilingual Blog, and How Do I Get Started?

Aspiration Marketing

The digital landscape of marketing expands far beyond geographic boundaries, and so the need for businesses to engage diverse audiences is more important than ever. With the whole world at your fingertips, it's up to you to reach out to them. One way to do that is by incorporating a multilingual blog on your website, amplifying your online presence across the globe.

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Google’s March 2024 core update: 5 things you need to know

Search Engine Land

Google’s March 2024 core update is bringing a seismic shift to the SEO industry. This major update might sweep the web the same way the Panda and Penguin updates did. Its impact is enormous and widespread and every seasoned marketer I’ve talked to agrees that this update is a big deal. Has your website been hit by the March 2024 core update? Here are five things you need to know to avoid getting penalized and maintain your good standing in search results. 1.

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Ad industry steps up to meet signal loss, privacy challenges: IAB


The ad industry is making major investments in order to adapt to the new privacy-by-design ecosystem, according to an IAB survey of 500 advertising and data experts at brands, agencies and publishers. The 2024 edition of the IAB’s annual “State of Data” report shows how the industry is addressing the new privacy-by-design ecosystem in which the deprecation of third-party cookies and other privacy-protective measures are expected to lead to significant signal loss.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 With that said, have you ever wondered how to write a compelling press release? Have you considered best practices when it comes to pitching your news to journalists to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each of each piece of news you pitch!

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Google SGE could cost publishers $2 billion in ad revenue

Search Engine Land

Google’s Search Generative Experience may result in a substantial loss of advertising revenue for publishers, potentially amounting to $2 billion. The AI-powered search engine is expected to trigger a significant decline in search traffic , ranging from 20% to 60%. Such a steep drop in search traffic for publishers is likely to lead in a sharp decline in digital ad revenue, according to Marc McCollum, executive vice president of innovation at Raptive.

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10 Ideas for Your Instagram as a B2B Company

Buffer Marketing

When you think of “brands on Instagram,” you might picture fun, direct-to-consumer companies that make workout clothes or tinned fish. Many B2B companies forgo Instagram because it relies so heavily on visuals and “personality,” which is difficult to achieve when marketing payroll or restaurant software.  So, it’s true that your restaurant management tool requires a few more steps than someone seeing a new app or product and deciding to try it out, but Ins

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More Trending

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How to protect customer trust when using AI


The launch of OpenAI’s text-to-video tool Sora highlights a broader AI problem that too many marketers ignore: With so much AI-generated content out there, customers don’t know what’s authentic. This might not seem like a big issue. Still, your company’s reputation plays an increasingly important role in influencing consumer decisions and any missteps with AI can damage it.

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Amazon apologizes after its AI advertising system makes costly error

Search Engine Land

Amazon apologized to advertisers after its automated advertising system charged them to promote products they couldn’t sell. The retail giant confirmed that some sellers have been charged for misdirected ads, and assured that it was actively working to resolve the issue. First spotted. Rob Robinson, a seller of advanced gaming computers, was the first to raise concerns after discovering he was being charged thousands of dollars to promote products in California, despite not selling in that

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Behind the Scenes: How Social Media Examiner Does Marketing

Social Media Examiner

Do you want to launch a membership product? Wondering how Social Media Examiner evolved its marketing over time? In this article, we’ll go behind the scenes to explore how we market one of our products—the Social Media Marketing Society. Why Are Membership Products Important to Marketers? Membership communities have become an increasingly popular offering in […] The post Behind the Scenes: How Social Media Examiner Does Marketing appeared first on Social Media Examiner.

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SEO testing: Shifting from reactive to proactive strategies

Search Engine Land

A/B testing for SEO is different than typical UX/CRO testing. Despite how quickly search evolves and best practices change, some changes must be tested before rolling out. Testing can help justify further investment or help prevent a potentially negative impact. Why we need to test SEO strategies Testing and proving a strategy is more important than ever as companies are looking really closely at the ROI of marketing in general and especially SEO.

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Cracking the Code: Turning Intent Data into Go-to-Market Success

Speaker: Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo & Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2

Join Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo, and Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2 in this webinar where you're guaranteed to walk away with a fresh understanding of and a new perspective on intent data! Turn your go-to-market motions around with intent data! Instead of searching for ways to showcase your products, reach out to the customers that are searching for your solutions — then build your messaging around their needs to set you apart from the competition. 🚀 With

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AI-powered martech releases and news: March 14


A recent survey finding about AI use reminded me of a joke by the brilliant satirist Tom Lehrer: “I know some people feel that marriage as an institution is dying out, but I disagree and the point was driven home to me rather forcefully not long ago by a letter I received which said: ‘Darling, I love you and I cannot live without you. Marry me, or I will kill myself.

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LinkedIn now allows brands to sponsor any organic post

Search Engine Land

LinkedIn is now allowing businesses to promote content from any user on the app, not just their own employees, expanding its Thought Leader ads into a form of branded content promotion. Previously, brands could use Thought Leader ads to turn posts from verified employees into promotions. Now, businesses have the option to promote posts from non-employees too.

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What is a Letter of Intent? How to Write One for a Job [+ Examples]

Hubspot Marketing

Standard job applications have a standard set of practices. You turn in a resume and cover letter, and then, if selected, you move through a few rounds of interviews and get the job. However, not all potential job opportunities start with an application. In fact, many begin with initiative from a job seeker. Those job seekers will send in a letter of intent rather than a cover letter.

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The Top 90+ Affiliate Marketing Niches


Looking for lucrative affiliate marketing niches in 2024? We've got you covered! Discover untapped markets with high demand and learn expert tips to maximize your earnings. Click now and find your niche to success!

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Pharma marketing could shake up with Pfizer’s new generative AI


The recent introduction of Pfizer’s generative AI, “Charlie”, could be a game-changer for the world of pharma marketing. Big changes may be in store for pharmaceutical marketing and advertising thanks to Pfizer’s recent unveiling of its innovative AI platform , Charlie. Drew Panayiotou , Global Chief Marketing Officer of Pfizer, revealed more details in February 2024 of its up-and-coming AI-powered marketing workbench.

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[New Report] Why Your Audience Doesn’t Care About Your Efficiency (and How Personalization Can Save You)

Rock Content

If the digital landscape is a battlefield, content is a powerful weapon. But here’s the catch: your audiences are savvier than ever! Their attention spans are shorter, and search engines are prioritizing “helpful content” like never before. This means your content strategy needs a serious overhaul, and personalization is the key to unlocking its true potential.

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Q&A with Alicia Arnold: The MarTech Conference


One central theme of the MarTech Conference (coming up Tuesday and Wednesday next week) is how to use the amazing array of tools now available, from AI to data analytics, to actually enhance customer experience. Alicia Arnold is managing director and digital transformation consultant at AK Arnold and her emphasis in her Wednesday session at MarTech will be on measuring customer experience.

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Google Product Studio launches seasonal themed templates

Search Engine Land

Google Product Studio launched seasonal themed templates, offering advertisers a convenient solution to instantly generate eye-catching promotional images for various holidays. With the release of the first templates for St. Patrick’s Day available now, advertisers can effortlessly update their product images for the upcoming holiday on March 17th.

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Sales & Marketing Alignment: How to Synergize for Success

Speaker: Carlos Hidalgo, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, Author, International Keynote & TEDx Speaker

Recent research shows that only 50% of B2B organizations state that they have good alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This lack of alignment tremendously impacts the ability to meet business goals, and is a limiting factor for building and maintaining customer relationships. While many B2B organizations continue to struggle with aligning their marketing and sales teams, they can take practical steps to unify both teams and simplify their overall approach.

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Oracle brings new genAI capabilities to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite


Oracle today announced that it is rolling out a range of generative AI tools across both front and back office applications in its Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite. In addition to new solutions for ERP, supply chain management and HR, it announced specific enhancements to its customer experience capabilities. The CX announcements included new support for marketing, sales and service.

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Email Marketing | Fuel Your Inbound Strategy

Kuno Creative

You may (or may not) remember hearing the cheery voice of Elwood Edwards calling out from your computer, “You’ve got mail!” Back then, email was new and exciting. Now, our inboxes are so flooded with emails we get excited when we don’t see new messages. So how can email marketing fuel our overall inbound strategy in a world with too many emails?

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Breaking Down LeadG2’s Inbound Marketing and Sales Enablement Strategy with Shaye Smith

The LeadG2 Blog

In this episode, we’re breaking down our own approach when it comes to inbound marketing and sales enablement as a company that specializes in.inbound marketing and sales enablement! Here, we ask questions like: How do we approach developing content that resonates with our target audience? How do we empower our sales team with the tools, resources, and information needed to effectively engage and convert inbound leads?

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How Brands Are Using Influencer Marketing to Improve Their SEO!

A quick web search of the keywords “influencer marketing” and “SEO” will show you multiple articles that state: The benefits of influencer marketing The benefits of SEO (search engine optimization). Both these strategies are treated as the be-all and end-all of the marketing world, but what happens when you leverage one of them (influencer marketing) to grow another (SEO)?

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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Reddit launches new ad format that closely resembles user posts

Search Engine Land

Reddit announced a new ad format known as “free-form ads,” which closely resembles the appearance and style of user-shared posts on the platform. This new ad format allows advertisers to interact with users in a manner similar to regular posts, with the objective of maximizing engagement. Why we care. Free-form ads have the potential for brands to efficiently deliver a wide range of information to readers in an engaging manner, which could enhance conversion rates.

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How to Create Content That Will Rank in 2024

Rock Content

Download this post by entering your email below Do not worry, we do not spam. User behavior evolves every day. In a post-pandemic and AI-boom society, this is more apparent than ever. People are changing the way they create and consume content online, the way they search, and the way they interact with each other and with brands. Naturally, the entire internet infrastructure (Search Engines, social media, news websites, etc.) has been adapting to meet this new behavior.

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How To Hire a Fractional CMO

Duct Tape Marketing

How To Hire a Fractional CMO written by Tosin Jerugba read more at Duct Tape Marketing Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I go solo and dive into the trend in the marketing consultancy agency world that is: Fractional Chief Marketing Officers or CMOs. This episode is a must-listen for business owners, marketing professionals, and consultants seeking a game-changing approach to business growth.

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CMO Spotlight | Pam Piligian - Navy Federal Credit Union

Set Up

The CMO Spotlight is a chance to get an inside look into the minds and journeys of high-performing marketing leaders. Set up President, Amanda Thompson , virtually sat down with Pam Piligian , the CMO and SVP of Navy Federal Credit Union, to discuss her admiration for Chick-fil-A, her experience at Ocean Spray, and her ability to charm consumers. WATCH + READ THE RECAP BELOW (SCROLL TO THE END FOR THE FULL INTERVIEW) Q1 | What advice would you share with marketers?

CMO 59
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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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How to Select SEO Keywords (3 Simple Steps)

Sachs Marketing Group

Want to know how to select SEO keywords? Selecting SEO keywords is about understanding your audience and their search behavior. Use keyword research tools to discover terms with high search volume but manageable competition. Focus on keywords that closely match your content’s theme and audience intent. Incorporate a mix of broad and long-tail keywords to capture a wider range of searches.

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Brand Building in the Digital Age: 10 Strategies for Long-Term Growth


If you are new to brand building, you might think it is all about just a flashy logo. But truth be told, there is way more to it than meets the eye.

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Interview: Mastering Digital Engagement with Bannerflow - Insights from Elkjöp


Elkjøp is the biggest consumer electronics retailer in the Nordic countries, with 427 stores across 4 nations plus online business, and over 10,000 employees representing Elkjøp Nordics, Elkjøp Norway, Elgiganten SE, Elgiganten DK, and Gigantti. Based in Oslo, Norway, its marketing tasks are handled both centrally and regionally, making it a complex operation.

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Make Good Choices: 5 Ways to Evolve Your Retail AI Strategy

Sales Force: CMO

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has been the fastest-growing consumer application of all time, and retailers are quickly seeing its business value. Some of you are looking for bottom-line improvement, some of you want top-line growth. But everyone agrees your retail AI strategy needs to impact both the customer and employee experience if you want these initiatives to be successful.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.